Ivy bag dropped from her hands and she stood at the door in shock. She couldn't believe what she saw, she saw Darien laying on the floor and he looked half dead. She removed her heels and she was able to move her body, she went to him.
He was laying on the floor of his living room. She sat on the floor next to him, she placed his head gently on her laps.
"Darien Darien Darien, wake up." She kept tapping his cheek and she was crying profusely.
Darien eyes moved and his sight was blurry. He opened his eyes, and he saw Ivy crying. He was so shocked, he gently removed his head from her laps and he sat on the floor, opposite her.
"What are you do..." He sneezed and his voice sounded like he had fever.
Ivy cried more and she was so happy to see him alive.
"Why are you crying?" His voice was calm and his face was pale.
Ivy didn't even realize when she hugged him tightly. She tried controlling herself but she couldn't help it.
"I was so worried." Tears were pouring from her eyes and she was still crying.
Darien didn't hug her back, instead he held her hands and he made her face opposite him.
"I'm okay now." He tried to form a smile, but he squeezed instead.
"Are you okay?" Ivy was so worried, she began to touch his forehead and it was very hot.
"I'm fine Ivy." He was trying to convince her.
"No you're not!" Ivy screamed back. "You keep squeezing and your temperature is quite hot. Let's go to the hospital."
"No there's no need." He sighed and stared at her, "what's time?"
"The time is few minutes to four." Darien widened his eyes.
"Oh no! How did I sleep for so long." His face was still in shock.
"What do you mean?" Ivy cleaned her eyes and he was only confusing her.
"I was preparing to go to work, I was already dressed. I was about leaving until I fell down and I woke up. And I saw you."
"You are sick, Darien!" Ivy was getting more worried. "Come let me take you to your room."
"There's no need, I can get there." Darien tried getting up but he was feeling weak.
She sighed and she stood. She glared at him on the floor and he knew she wasn't ready to listen to him. She stretched her right hand to him. He smiled and accepted the offer.
She used all her strength to pull him up. He was able to stand by himself and he made her think she pulled him.
"Where's your room?" She wrapped his left hand around her shoulders.
"I'll lead you." He smiled at her.
He lead her to his room. His room was extremely big and beautiful, it was more than the size of Ivy's house. His room was painted white, white tiles and a nice balcony view outside the transparent glass window. His bed had bed sheet with white pilliows.
She took him to the bed, she made him lie on it. He stayed on his bed and she was treating him like a baby. She placed his head on the pillow and covered him with the duvet.
"I'm coming back." Her voice was calm and tears were still stuck.
"Where are you going to?" Darien held her hand and he spoke softly.
"Nowhere, I'm still going to be here. Give me few minutes." She smiled and she left the room.
Darien was hardly sick and he hated it when he was. While Ivy left, Darien remembered what she had said when she was drunk. He hoped she didn't say it again, he did not want to turn her down because he also knew he liked her.
After few minutes, she came back with a bowl of water and a small towel. Darien was wondering whether she had come here before.
She went to him, and she sat beside him on the bed. She placed the bowl at the small table which was beside the bed.
"What are you doing?" Darien asked calmly and he was confused.
"This is a way of curing fever." She dipped the towel inside the warm water.
She squeezed little amount from it and she gently placed it on his forehead. He was feeling relieved already, it felt like he was on fire but now, she quenched it with water.
While she was doing that, they heard the living room door opened. They stared at each other and they were shocked.
"Are you expecting someone?" Ivy stared at him.
"No." He sounded confused and he was wondering who could visit him.
"Darien! Darien! Darien!" That voice sounded familiar and it was obviously a female voice.
He got scared and the voice kept calling his name. He stood and dragged Ivy into his bathroom and he closed the door. Ivy was surprised, she was so confused.
"Who's there?" Ivy asked from the bathroom.
"I think it's my sister." He was breathing heavily and he was panicking. "Remain quiet for a while."
Darien wasn't scared of his sister but he knew she would make a mountain out of a mole hill. He exhaled deeply and he went to the door.
His sister saw him at the door, she paused. He frowned at the presence of his sister.
"What are you looking for?" He frowned more.
"Get married to Arizona!" That was all she could say.
He really wasn't ready for her stupid drama. He sighed and he couldn't prevent himself from frowning.
"Get out!" Darien frowned his face more and he sounded dangerous.
"No I won't." Doris glared at him. "Until you promise me you will get married to Arizona. If not, I will tell father."
"Are you Arizona's bodyguard or her stalker?" Darien raised a brow at her and he glared at her.
"Won't you let your sister enter?" She eyed him and she snorted at him.
Doris was about entering, Darien grabbed her right hand tightly with his left.
"I won't repeat myself, Out of here!" He stared at his sister and he was now furious and he was frowning.
Doris remove her hands forcefully and she held her. She growled in pain, he held her really tightly.
"I promise you, I will tell father about this." She was sounding dangerous and she was threatening him.
Darien bursted out in laughter. He laughed at her, he was almost crying and he couldn't catch his breath again. Doris was so confused, she rose a brow and she saw her brother laughing with joy.
"What's so funny?" She was frowning and she started getting annoyed.
Darien managed to control himself and he stared at her smiling.
"Father does not even know you exist." He smirked at her. "He only knows you has a burden. A child that makes him lose money."
Darien was so right, Williams saw Doris like burden and he wanted nothing to do with her.
Doris was almost crying, Darien hit her really hard. She was boring with anger and she couldn't do anything.
"I promise you, you will definitely marry Arizona." She threatened him.
Darien wasn't scared of this people empty threats. He sighed and he held his sister's hand tightly. He started dragging her by her hands.
"What are you doing." She was frowning and was trying to remove her hand from his.
All her efforts were not useful, he dragged her out of his house. He looked at her and locked the doors. He sighed and placed his head on the door.
He turned around and he went back to his room. He entered his room and he saw Ivy.

RomanceDarien Maccurly, a renowned billionaire, and the next CEO of DDC and next chairperson of the company. He always abide by his father, he had no say to his life, his father made decision on his behalf and never asked his opinion about it. At the night...