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The azure Hedgehog would do anything for his city, for his family, for his friends, for everyone. He carried the world on his shoulders every single day, and he wasn't alone, his friends did too but not as much as he did. It's not like they never checked in on him, or made sure to show him they appreciated him, it's more like he was tired of it all.

Being beaten to near death countless times, risking his life every single day, having constant wounds in his body because he couldn't heal properly before he got into another fight, it was all beginning to be too much for the young hero. He thought this was how his life would always be, in constant physical pain or mentally exhausted by having to deal with his family.

His family was no help either, having to some day have to take care of the entire kingdom as their king was something Sonic was not ready for. He wanted a break, he wanted for someone to understand what his life was about. He was constantly smiling through it all, it was fake to him but it wasn't to everyone else.

So when Eggman attacked for the 5th time in the same week, Sonic couldn't help but finally snap. He just wanted a break, he wanted for his life not to be fake anymore, he wanted someone to take care of him for once instead of him taking care of everyone else. But he will never have that, especially if Eggman was still around.

"Whats wrong, Sonic? You're finally ready to give up?" The doctor laughed evilly as he proceeded to press a button, activating Metal Sonic.

*Shadow's POV *
"Why is he just standing there?" I looked up to see what Rouge meant. Faker was standing in the middle of the battle, his head looking down and his fist clenching but there was something else. His fur, it was changing.

"Sonic! No!" The fox shouted as Eggman sent Metal to attack Faker then more robots as well.

"What is happening?" Rouge gasped. I glanced around. Eggman had realized what the Hedgehog was doing and made his robots retreat, his hand was shaking.

Was he scared? Of Faker?

"Why?" I heard the pink brat say as she took a step back.

"Oh you're not going anywhere." Faker looked up, his eyes had turned completely white and there was a dark visible aura around him, his fur changed to a darker color as he evily smiled at Eggman. "I won't let you leave this time~" He smirked and launched at Metal.

"What the hell is going on?!" I growled, there was no longer bots trying to attack us so we were all watching what Faker was doing. Was he Faker?

"All you need to know is to stay away from Sonic when he's like this. He isn't himself." The brat said as she grabbed my wrist and Rouges then started pulling us away. I snatched my hand back and glared at her for even touching me.

"You'll have to beat Metal to get to me!" Eggman laughed as he watched the fight but Faker destroyed Metal with one kick, his eyes focused on Eggman.

"You're next." He growled and spin dashed to his egg mobile and stood up behind Eggman.

"Is he going to kill him?!" Rouge gasped making the echidna and the fox immediately start running towards Eggman and Faker.

"Sonic! That's not how we do things! You need to stop!" The echidna shouted as he tried to reach them but Faker made the mobile fly higher up as he grabbed Eggman by the neck and took his claws out, digging them in.

"Sonic! Please!" The fox shouted as he grabbed the echidna and flew higher to reach the egg mobile.

"I don't care how we do things. I'm ending this, for once and for all!" Faker snapped, growling at all of us.

I clenched my fists and chaos controlled beside him. I grabbed him by the neck then kicked him in the guts making him fall to his knees then jump down as he let go of Eggman.

I growled louder and skated off after him, leaving the others behind. "You're too slow~" Faker laughed as he dashed off ahead of me. He was faster than usual.

I was getting annoyed, so I chaos controlled in front of where he would be at making him bump into me. Once we were on the ground, I pinned him down and pulled out my pistol, aiming it at his head.

"No! Wait!" The fox said once he reached us and saw the situation. "Dont kill him! He's not himself!" He grabbed my hands trying to take away the gun only making me shove him back.

"Oh, Tails." Faker chuckled under me, I had one arm on top of his chest, pressing down to keep him still while the other held the gun at his head. "I've never been more myself before." He laughed as he looked at his so-called best friend.

"W-what are you talking about?" The fox couldn't help but stutter.

"You think I've let Dark control me but I haven't. I'm still me." His fur suddenly changed to his original azure one. "I'm just done holding back." Faker now looked at me and quickly moved his wrist and grabbed mine, twisting it back. I groaned, the sudden flash of pain let him take advantage to kick me off.

"Why?" The fox cried out. "Why are you doing this?" He stood up as I did so too, Faker stood a few feet away from us.

"Why?" Sonic scoffed. "I'm tired! I'm tired of everything! I'm tired of all of you!" He snapped again and launched at the fox. I was quick enough to stop him but the fox hadn't even tried to move by the time I stood in front of him to block the attack.

"Whats gotten into you, Faker?" I growled. "Attacking your own brother?"

"Brother?" He laughed. "He's nothing to me. The same for all of you." The fox remained silent at this, tears streaming down his muzzle at hearing what his best friend was saying.

"Fine then. Makes it easier on me to kill you." I said but before I could attack, he was gone.

"Sonic!" The brat yelled as she finally reached us. "Tails! What happened?" She asked once she saw him crying.

"There's something wrong with him. There has to be. He would never say those things." He sobbed, stuttering a lot as he tried to get his words out.

But I knew the fox was wrong. That was Faker who said all those things, In fact he seemed to had held in so much that he finally snapped.

He was no longer the hero or our friend. We would have to hunt him down soon enough. 

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