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*Sonic's POV *
"No! No, I won't!" I shouted as I tried to break the gloves in my hands. "Please! Don't make me!" I cried and fell to my knees when I started to feel the shock all over my body.

"You'll listen to me. You'll obey." He said through the ear piece he had made me wear. "You're under my control now."

"I-I won't!" I shouted as I looked at my friends in front of me, keeping distance as I now looked up at them, holding a pistol pointing at Tails. "N-No!" I cried as the pain grew.

"Kill them!" He snapped. "Now!" He shouted even louder and higher the mode on the gloves making me yell louder in pain.

"Sonic!" Tails reached for me, but just in that moment, my hands started shaking from the pain and pulled the trigger.

"NO!" I shouted and opened my eyes.

"Sonic!" I looked up and saw Shadow and Tails looking down at me. I was panting heavily and quickly sat up. "It's okay! It was a dream!" Tails said as he rubbed my back.

Tears streamed down my muzzle, and then I put a hand up to my ear. No ear piece. No one talking to me. Who was the guy talking to me? It wasn't Eggman.

I looked down at my hands and saw the gloves then started shaking. "Take them off." I said in a panic. "I don't want them! Take them off!"

"I tried already, hedgehog. I can't remove them. The others are exploring Eggmans base for the blueprints or the control to remove them." Shadow said, grabbing one of my hands when he saw I started yanking on the metal parts of my gloves.

"No. I can't wait. I need to take them off now." I started to feel myself have an anxiety attack making Shadow let go of my hand and sit beside me while Tails continued to rub my back as the two of them helped me with breathing exercises. 

Since when did Shadow get so close to me? Since when did he start acting like Tails in certain ways? I was thankful for him though, thankful that Shadow cared and was helping me heal.

"What did you see in your dream that freaked you out?" Tails asked.

I got flashbacks of the dream, watching Tails fall to the ground as the bullet hit him straight in the chest. I remembered I tried to stop myself and shouted for him when the trigger was pulled. I hadn't been able to stop myself. The pain I was in was too much for me to handle.

"The gloves, they can put me through so much pain that it will control me. I-I..." I stopped and shook my head. I couldn't look at Tails. "Just that."

I saw from the corner of my eye, Shadow and Tails giving each other a look then Shadow stood up and walked out of the lab. Where was he going?

I was about to stand up when Tails stopped me by putting a hand on my chest to prevent me from leaving. I hadn't noticed I was about to chase after Shadow until he stopped me. "Listen. I need to talk to you." He let go of me and stood up, standing in front of me.

"What is it?" The second I finished that question, Tails punched me, making me freeze since I wasn't expecting it. Tails had never attacked me before and now he was throwing punch after punch. He wasn't a kid anymore, he was about to turn 20, it hurt but I couldn't bring myself to stop him or fight back.

"You left us!" He started shouting. "You betrayed us!" He started crying as he punched my muzzle. "You hurt us!" He punched my torso now, I managed to stand up and take a step away from the examination table. "You died in front of me!" Tears streamed down his muzzle as he flew up and kicked me, making me fall to the floor but I didn't try to stop him once.

I looked up at Tails as he stood on top of me, my body in between his legs as he looked down at me, I had my arms crossed in front of me to stop his next punch. He crouched down, now sitting down on top of me and continued attacking me.

"You didn't talk to me! I could have helped you! I could have prevented all of this if you would had just talked to me!" He panted as his attacks became weaker and got slower as his cried became heavier. "I thought I lost you, you idiot! I thought I lost my best friend! All because you wouldn't talk to us and tell us how you felt!" He stopped attacking now and just cried.

I was frozen in place, I hadn't expected any of this.

"I should have talked to you. I should have come to you and ask you what was wrong. If you were okay with everything happening. I should have taken some things off your shoulders. It wasn't just your fault, it was everyone's fault too for never checking in on you and relying too much on you." He sighed and cleaned his tears then looked down at me and got off me then sat beside me and rested back on the wall then hugged his legs.

"I was scared that I had lost you. I wanted to believe it was Dark controlling you but I knew deep down it wasn't. I knew you and Dark had come into terms with each other and he no longer tried to hurt you but I just didn't want to accept that you had turned on us." He sobbed and rested his face on his knees.

I sat up and rested back on the wall the groaned at the pain I was currently in. I looked at Tails then patted his back then pulled him closer and hugged him.

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