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*Sonic's POV *
"Shadow's freed from G.U.N, huh?" I asked Tails and he nodded.

"Did you want to try and go out today? It seems your wounds healed from yesterday." Tails offered but I shook my head. "Come on, you can't stay here forever. Everyone's going to the park later today, Amy prepared a picnic and wants you to go as well. I hope you do."

"I guess I'll try to go." I sighed and he nodded again.

Later that day, Tails was waiting for me at the door. I had put on a hoodie and wore the hood to cover my face as I walked to him. He didn't question me as we both walked out.

As we walked the streets, I kept getting looks, glares and people would even forcefully bump their shoulder against mine almost making me fall back. I kept my ears pinned down and kept walking.

Tails grabbed my hand and walked beside me to reassure me everything was going to be okay. But as we kept walking, more and more civilians kept doing the same thing, some even having the guts to cuss at me and call me names.

By the time we reached the park, I already wanted to go home.

"Whats wrong Blue?" I heard Rouge say but I had my head down and shook my head at her. Tails took the hood off me as he let go of my hand, my ears were pinned down.

"Everyone was calling him names and bumping into him." Tails spoke for me as I sat down on the picnic table we were going to be eating at. But honestly, I wasn't hungry anymore.

"How dare they-" Amy started but was cut off.

"It's going to take a while before people get used to Sonic being back again." Knuckles said as he sat as well.

"Maybe your mother isn't so wrong about helping you find a boyfriend." Tails said making me drop my ears again and look at him.

"Boyfriend?" Rouge leaned over the table, her eyes shining.

"So I NEVER had a chance?" Amy said and put her head down making me slightly smile and nod. I remained quiet. I was not used to being around everyone again without being hated.

"Boyfriend." I said to Rouge, finally looking up and seeing Silver, Blaze Shadow and even Cream there.

It wasn't a surprise to some of them but it still felt strange to come out in front of most of my friends. I waved at Silver, Blaze and Cream who only smiled back at me.

"But I don't want a relationship anymore." I confessed. "There's no point in one." Everyone stayed quiet at that.

"Aleena just wants someone who can protect you. Maybe just take a guard with you. Weren't you seeing one of them at some point?" Tails asked making my ear twitched as I remembered my failed relationship. 

"Yeah I was but I rather not." I shook my head.

"Well, why don't you and Shadow stick together? He can make sure no one hurts you." My ears perked up at that.

"Will you stop volunteering me on stuff?!" Shadow snapped at Rouge. He really was trying his best on changing but he still had his moments. 

"Uh, I don't think that's a good idea." I waved my hands in front of me, crossing them to let her know it was okay. "I'll be fine."

"Oh come on. You and Shadow need to continue talking to get along. Shadow understands how you feel better than any of us. He can help you. He's finally opening up to others and may even convince you to give someone else a chance and get in a relationship. Who knows, maybe Shadow will too?" Rouge insisted.

"Bat, if you don't shut it-" Shadow was cut off when I got up.

"It's fine. I have Metal with me, he can-" Now I was the one getting interrupted when Knuckles pushed me back on my seat. I guess he realized I wanted to leave already.

"Metal is hated by everyone as well, probably more than they hate you." Knuckles started but was interrupted as well.

"What a way to soften things." Blaze said to Knuckles.

"Well, I think you should hang out with Shadow more." Cream said as she got closer to Shadow and hugged his side making Shadow tense lightly. She was taller now and her 18 birthday was coming up already, she wasn't a kid anymore.  "I agree with Rouge, Shadow used to have a bad reputation but hanging out with you and the team changed that for him, you should do the same."

I looked up at Shadow who still remained stiff under her arms. He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose when Cream suggested the same thing. Cream could change his mind about anything, she was one of his weaknesses, always had a soft spot for her and everybody knew that, and now I knew even Cream knew that because as soon a she let go, Shadow gave in and she smiled.

"Fine. I guess it won't hurt." He rolled his eyes at me.

"Shadow, you really don't have to do that. I'll be fine on my own." I knew that was a lie, I'm pretty sure if I were to be walked the streets on my own, I'd probably get jumped.

"Hey bro!" Suddenly I was jumped on, arms wrapping around me in an instance making me tense and full body slammed the person who did only to realize it was Manic who gasped for air as soon as he hit the ground.

Sonia gasped and ran to Manic just to slap him. "I told you not to do that!" She scolded Manic but I was frozen in place. I just hurt my brother.

Everyone was standing by now, walking towards Manic to help him get up and make sure he was okay. My heart was beating rapidly, almost exploding out of my chest as my breathing became heavier. Until I felt a hand on my back and a soft pat.

Before I could turn to see which one of my friends it was, they took in a deep breathe and out, guiding me so I could calm down. I copied them and once I was calm, the hand was removed from my back.

"Thank you." I said but was shocked to see it had been Shadow who had helped me.

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