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*Shadow's POV *
"You just left him like that? Did you even bother to check for a pulse?" Blaze scolded me as she knelt down to check on Sonic. I rolled my eyes.

"He can't die." I reminded her. "He'll be fine." I looked down at the remote then at Miles when he finally got to us. "Here. I don't know how to work this." I handed it to him then made my way to Sonic and picked him up. "The commander was going to make him attack his family."

"What?" Miles asked shocked as he looked at the remote. He took out some tools he usually carried with him and opened it up. "I need to go to my lab. Will you take me?"

"Sure." I put my hand on his shoulder and glanced up at Mephiles who was silently looking at us, more like at Silver who was standing in front of me.

"Tell them how you feel, you coward." I said to Mephiles making him tense up and glare at me. He started running to attack me but I chaos controlled us to Miles lab.

Miles had gone stiff when he saw Mephiles about to attack. "What was all that about?" He let out a deep breathe he was holding in from the scare.

I walked to the examination table and placed Sonic down. "You'll see soon enough."

*Silver's POV*
"Mephiles!" I shouted when he launched at Shadow but Shadow was gone before he could reach him.

I used my powers to lift him up then slammed him against a tree. His form changing to get away then back to how he usually looked as he was now on the floor groaning in slight pain. He glared at me then stood up and walked in my direction, Blaze and I getting ready to fight.

"Get out of my way." Mephiles used part of him to grab Blaze then push her away from me. He wasn't being as aggressive as he usually was because Blaze simply landed a few feet behind Mephiles without even a scratch.

Mephiles continued making his way to me, grabbing my neck and pinning me to a tree. I raised my head and glared back at Mephiles as I grabbed his hand trying to get it off my neck. I was about to use my telekinesis but he tighten the grip making it hard for me to breathe.

I gasped for breathe as I started choking. Blaze started running towards me until Mephiles used his powers to keep Blaze in that spot, holding her ankle.

"Silver!" She shouted for me.

Mephiles growled louder as he looked me in the eyes then let go of me, turning away and letting go of Blaze who immediately attacked him but he dodged.

"You won't lay a finger on him ever again!" Blaze creates small embers on the palms of her hands and started throwing them at Mephiles, who was dodging with ease making Blaze angrier.

I noticed Mephiles wasn't even trying to attack back then remembered what Shadow said before he left. I walked closer to Blaze once I caught my breathe and held her shoulder as if telling her to stand down. She understood and stopped as we both looked at Mephiles.

"What did Shadow mean when he said that?" I asked Mephiles, demanding an answer.

I would be lying if I said I wasn't afraid of him, I knew Mephiles was stronger than me and he could easily end me anytime he wanted but somehow right this moment, I didn't feel like that's what he even wanted to do. He would have attacked me by now. He would had let that boulder fall on me earlier. He wouldn't had saved me or let go of me right now.

"Nothing." Mephiles rolled his eyes. "It meant nothing."

"Lies." Blaze crossed her eyes making Mephiles growl.

"Can you leave me alone with him?" I asked Blaze making her look at me shocked. "Please." She sighed and nodded, giving in.

"Fine. I'll still be nearby. I don't trust him." She scolded and walked away leaving me alone with my rival.

"What did Shadow mean when he said that?" I pressed as I got closer to Mephiles. He remained quiet but didn't look away from me, his eyes were following me the entire time. "I want an answer. Now."

I watched as his eyes glanced down at my neck then back up to my eyes. I imagined he left me a pretty bad bruise from when he had me pinned. He remained quiet making start to get annoyed.

"Fine then." I turned around to walk away but my wrist was suddenly grabbed. I didn't turn back to look at Mephiles. Maybe me not facing him would make it easier for him.

"I don't want to fight with you anymore." He quickly confessed, his voice low. "I just-" He stopped himself.  I was about to turn to face him but Mephiles grabbed my shoulders and prevented me from doing so. "Want to be happy."

My ears dropped at hearing him say that. I slowly nodded a d stayed facing away from Mephiles. "No more fighting." I said to Mephiles. "But that means you have to learn to get along with everyone. Including me and Shadow. Shadow is trying his best to change too, he's even friends with Sonic now. Maybe we could try that too?" Mephiles let go of me, I took it as a sign that I was able to turn to face him now so that's what I did.

Mephiles was still looking at me and nodded. "Okay." He answered calmly.

"But you need to try." I extended my hand to Mephiles. "So friends?" I smiled at him, I couldn't believe this was happening but I was honestly happy that Mephiles was trying to change too.

Finally, maybe this team will finally catch a break.

Mephiles looked down at my hand and hesitated but extended his too, taking mine in his as we shook on it. "I will do my best." He promised.

"Whats going on here?" We both turned to look at Rouge who finally caught up with Knuckles and Amy.

I let go of Mephiles hand and walked to her, the commander at our feet. I explained everything that had happened to them and Rouge nodded then picked up the commander with Knuckles help.

"What are you going to do with him?" I asked confused.

"The queen wants to take care of him herself." Rouge explained and I nodded.

"Right. Makes sense." I answered as we all mafe our way to the castle, finding Blaze along the way as I explained what Mephiles and I had talked about. He was quiet as he followed.

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