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*Sonic's POV*
"Stay still, Hedgehog!" Shadow snapped, I had been pacing around in front of him as we waited outside the lab for Tails to give us any news on Metal.

"I can't. Sorry. I'm nervous. I'm scared!" I said, I kept thinking of everything that could go wrong now that I was back wearing these gloves. "I'm sure it's because of what my mother did. He's trying to get payback for closing down G.U.N. and he's using me to get his way! What if he makes me attack my own family?"

"I thought you didn't care about them anymore?" He said making me kick him, he stood up and raised his fist but Tails interrupted just before we got into a fight. 

"Not in my house." Tails said as he cleared his throat. "I finished with Metal. He shouldn't attack us anymore. I even went into his system to make sure none of his memories were deleted." He scooted to the side as Metal walked out of the lab.

Metal walked to me then sat down on the couch looking at his hands. "I am sorry." He said making me sigh and pat his metallic back.

"It's okay. It's not your fault." I looked up at Shadow. "Thank you for making sure they wouldn't hurt him."

"Whatever." Shadow rolled his eyes and crossed his arms then looked at Tails. "What about Faker? Anything you can do?"

"Unfortunately, no. Only the device connected to them can. If I try to remove it, it will send the shocks to me and Sonic, each second more powerful. I would pass out from the pain before I could take them off. We need the control." Tails said as I sat beside Metal who looked at my gloves.

"Potentially executable." Metal said now looking up at Tails.

"What?" I asked confused then my ears perked up understanding what he meant. "No. Are you crazy?"

"He could remove them, he wouldn't feel it but his system might get fried, and I don't know if I could fix that plus Sonic will also feel everything. It's not worth the risk." Tails explained to Metal making him stay quiet but gave him a nod.

Just before I could say anything, the front door opened and the rest of the team walked in. We all immediately stood up and got ready to fight once we saw Mephiles walking in with them.

"Whoa! Whoa!" Amy shouted with her hands raised as Shadow charged a chaos spear.

"Shadow! Don't! He's with us!" Rouge shouted making all of us stop before we could attack. Mephiles hadn't even flinched. He simply had his arms crossed and looked unfazed.

"Mephiles is going to help us find the commander." Silver explained to us as he walked in front of Mephiles. 

"Are you crazy? He tried to kill you!" I pointed out to Silver with a low growl.

"And Shadow tried to kill you too." He pointed out, glaring at me. "We have to give him a chance." He sighed.  "Come on, isn't that what you do?"

My heart stopped for a moment and my body went cold at those words. It was. It definitely was what I USED to do. I didn't feel like I could do that anymore. I feel like no one deserved that anymore.

"Why?" I crossed my arms. "I've fought too many battles, seen so many pass. I can't fight another battle, I can't take any more backstabbing. And that is EXACTLY what he will do."

Mephiles rolled his eyes at my words. "Right. Forgot the hero turned on his friends and went crazy." I growled at his words and glared at him.

"Why you-" I was about to dash to him when Shadow suddenly wrapped his arms on me to hold me back. "Let me go!"

Shadow simply picked me up and tossed me in the couch roughly as he growled at me. "I don't like this any more than you, trust me hedgehog." He said sternly. "But the more people we have looking for the commander, the sooner we will find him and get these things off you."

I sat up and stayed quiet. I knew he was right, I just didn't need anyone else involved in this, especially Mephiles. I didn't trust him, I can feel he's going to cause more problems than he will help. I didn't need that, I didn't need any of this. I wanted to be as far away from everyone as possible so I don't hurt them.

"You're staying at my place until we can find a way to get these off you." My ears perked up when Shadow said that. "If the commander makes you hurt anyone, better it will me than them."

"I guess that's not a bad idea." Tails chimed in, I lowered my ears knowing I didn't want to hurt him.

"Fine." I gave in and stood up then glared at Mephiles. "I don't trust you."

"I don't care." Mephiles flatly answered.  "You are the one who needs my help."

"You shut up." My ears perked at hearing Silver stand up to his rival. "You also need our help so you have to be nice to everyone here." He crossed his arms. "Or you can just leave."

It was Mephiles turn to stay quiet. His expression didn't change as he stared back at Silver. He rolled his eyes and looked away. "Fine." He gave in. Surprisingly. "But I'm leaving now."

"Wait!" Tails shouted at Mephiles then ran to his lab.

Mephiles was going to ignore Tails but when Silver saw that. He grabbed Mephiles quills and yanked him down. I'm happy to see that Silver is finally standing up to him. He's usually peaceful and nice but not this time. And even Mephiles was acting different.

"Don't EVER do that again." Mephiles growled at Silver as he slapped his hand away.

Tails came back running with a communicator then handed it to him. "Put this on. If you find anything, contact us. We will keep you updated as well."

Mephiles grabbed it then left, slamming the door behind him. As soon as he left, Silver held his chest and took in a deep breathe.

"I hate you." He said between breathes to Blaze.

"Hey! That was good!" Blaze clapped at him making us all look at then confused. "I told him to stand up to Mephiles like Sonic did with Shadow and maybe that will help them create a friendship. He didn't try to kill Silver, that's progress."

Shadow and I exchanged looks at that then looked back at the others. I guess we have had a difference ever since I left and started treating Shadow the way he treated me. We became friends and now he's someone I can actually trust and even the one I feel the most comfortable to be around with.

"Yeah. Progress." I said as I thought of the last few times Shadow and I had fought. It had been different now. But it felt right.

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