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*Shadow's POV *
"You're definitely dating." Rouge said as she swung her legs while she sat on my desk. I couldn't bring myself to look at her. My heart was racing after waking up to a message from Sonic saying a simple 'Good morning Shadz'.

"Are we?" I asked, I felt childish asking.

I hadn't responded to Sonic at all. I had simply left him on read. My panic had got the best of me.

"We didn't actually say it. Neither of us asked each other. Did I already mess up? I didn't even answer him this morning." I muttered, trying my best not to ramble too much but utterly failing.

"Relax, handsome. Blue knows how you are. There's no need to panic so much. The perks of dating someone you've known for a long time." Rouge said as she got down from my desk and patted my back. "You should answer him. Or I'll tell him how nervous you are~"

My ears perked up, and I quickly sat up correctly. "You-" I growled, but Rouge had already left my office.

That damn bat.

*Sonic's POV *
Sh: Good morning.

I smiled when I read Shadow's text. I actually hadn't expected him to answer me back.

"Consumption of food is required." I looked up to see Metal as he placed a plate of food down in front of me.

How did he manage to burn the egg?

I had been trying to teach Metal how to cook and do certain things he didn't know how. We went on races every once in a while to stay fit and learned how to fix him little by little in case of more attacks. In case Tails left us.

He had been stuck on cooking, he liked it even though he couldn't eat. He enjoyed watching others enjoy his food. Obviously, we all faked our reactions, not wanting to hurt his feelings.

"They're so good. But maybe next time, lower the heat just a bit more." I said as I took a bite and ate.

I proceeded to answer Shadow as Metal went back to the kitchen. 

S: What time will you be coming over?

He took a while to answer back, I almost felt bad for bothering him at work.

Sh: I can leave at 3 pm.

S: Okay! See ya!

But then he kept texting me.

Sh: Wait.
Sh: What did you want to do?

S: I don't know. Watch a movie, maybe?

Sh: You want to go out?

I blushed at reading the message. My hands shook as I typed back.

S: Aren't we already?

He took a while to answer this one. I could see he would type and then delete what he was typing. It went on like this for a couple of minutes until I finally got a response.

Sh: I meant go out to watch a movie.


Oh crap.

I wanted to bury myself alive as I re-read the message and blushed even brighter.

Sh: But that answers my other question. Thank you.

My ears dropped at that. Did he not think we were dating until I answered that? As I recalled the previous night, I realized that we never actually asked each other.

S: So we ARE dating?

Sh: You just said we are, hedgehog.

S: Are you okay with it?

Sh: If I wasn't, I would've left you on read and blocked your number.

He was right.

S: Okay.
S: I'll see you at 3?

Sh: So, are we going to the movies?

S: Oh, right.
S: I don't think so. People still hate me. Why don't we watch a movie here?

Sh: No. We are going out.
Sh: I'll see you at 3.

I put my phone down and covered my face in both embarrassment and excitement. Then I realized what Shadow had said. Why did he ask me if he already knew he wanted to go out?

"Your facial expression indicates elevated levels of happiness." Metal said, and I looked up at him with a soft laugh.

"I guess I am, huh? It's strange, Shadow has really been helping me out a lot, and it seems like he really cares about me, so I am really happy. Finally." I looked down at my hands. There were slight scars on my wrists and under the gloves from the metallic gloves Eggman had put on me. These scars would never go away. They were caused by all the shocks they emitted and were fully healed but still visible. This is just another reminder, I guess.

"I want to stay like this even if it's just for a little while. Do you think," I looked back up. "Do you think that would be possible?" I don't know who I was talking to because it wasn't to Metal, maybe I was talking to myself? Trying to convince myself not to mess things up.

I had fallen into a depression I had not been able to get out of ever since I returned. I kept messing things up and fighting with Shadow a lot. I didn't want to do that anymore. He'd end up getting tired.

The day went by super slow, I was excited to see Shadow but also very nervous since I had not really been in public much lately. I was lying down on my couch as I waited. Metal had left, I still did not know what he did when he wasn't around here, but he had made lunch for me, and I am just glad I did not have to eat it now. My stomach can't take any more of his cooking at the moment.

"Are you ready?" I heard Shadow, but it startled me, so I fell out of the couch. I had not expected for him to suddenly appear inside. 

I rubbed the back of my head where I hit myself and looked at him with a nervous laugh. He had his arms crossed, looking down at me with a brow raised. I forgot how he was sometimes. Some days, he's all dead worried about me and others he makes me look like a fool. Jerk.

He looked to the side as he waited for me to get up and moved my coffee table, which I'd hit my head with, further from the couch then went to a closet I had and grabbed a rug I still didn't know where to put. He put it down in front of the couch I had just fallen from, then looked at me.

"Let's go."

Okay. Maybe not that much of a jerk. He had his ways of saying he cared about me.

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