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*Sonic's POV *
When I woke again, I didn't even try to move. I realized immediately that I wouldn't even be able to anyways, I had the freedom to move my hands and my legs but they were attached to some chains so I didn't bothered.

I simply looked away from the group I used to call my friends. I was currently laying on a bed where I imagined was either Tails' lab or the dungeon at the castle. Which would explain the guards that stood beside the group.

"He's awake." I heard Knuckles say, and suddenly, all I wanted in the world was to beat him up.

I felt tired, exhausted actually. I didn't want to continue with this. At this point I won't fight them, I just want to be able to give up. I failed. I failed miserably and there was nothing I could do.

"Maurice?" I heard my mother but I didn't turn to look at her. I heard her sigh then she started talking.

*Shadow's POV *
"Maurice, I just-" The queen stopped and walked closer to her son who laid currently looking the other way. We knew he could hear her since his ear turned slightly at hearing her voice but we couldn't see his face. "I want to apologize for everything. I put too much on your shoulders and I know that now. I shouldn't have depended on you so much, and shouldn't have forced you to be the next in line to become King. I should have asked what your feelings were about this, I should have asked if you were even okay with the arranged marriage or ask your siblings how they felt as well. I apologize for putting you through the intense training you didn't even need and forcing you to do many other things because I was trying to make our family look good to everyone else." Aleena was crying at this point as we all remained silent. "I'm really sorry. I hope you can forgive me." She finally finished as she waited for Faker to say something but he didn't. He didn't even look at her.

"Sonic, I know you can hear us." Miles said as he walked closer, standing beside Aleena. "I want to apologize too. I should have realized everything was becoming too much and should have stepped up to help you, to take some things off your shoulders. I'm your best friend after all, I'm sorry I wasn't there when you needed me most." Miles rubbed his own arm as he lowered his ears.

"Hey bro, I am sorry for us making you feel like you had to step up for me and Sonia." The prince said as he stood beside his sister. "We should had known you didn't want any of what you were being put through as much as we didn't. Things are going to change though. We promise."

"We do, we promise we will talk more and come up with something to do." The princess said.

"Sonny boy, I'm sorry we didn't realize sooner that you were carrying so much on your shoulders. We are here now, we can help you." His uncle chimed in.

But Faker still didn't turn, he could clearly hear them and he didn't turn or said anything to them.

"I'm sorry for bothering you so much and not giving you space. I learned I would never get a chance with you, Sonic. I've known for a very long time now but I grew very attached to you, you're someone I could depend on, talk to, I didn't want to give that up. I promise I will stop bugging you so much and be there for you when you need to talk, just like you were for me." Rose said as she walked a few steps closer to Faker, standing almost to where his family was.

"And I promise I won't force you to train with me everyday or help me with the master emerald so much. I care about you, Sonic." The echidna crossed his arms. "We can make things easier for you if you let us."

"You don't have to carry everything on your shoulders anymore, Blue. We can help you. I'm sorry we weren't there for you when you needed us, we never bothered asking how you were coping with everything. I'm sorry I relied on you a lot when Shadow and I needed help in missions. We are all sorry that we never asked you how you felt after every fight, after every time you were attacked or when you would leave. We all depended on you too much, we didn't realize what we were doing until it was too late, Hun. We promise to be better friends to you and a better team so you don't have to take on too much." Rouge said as she stood beside me. Her words sounding sincere and with a hint of sadness. I looked at her as she spoke, a few tears running down her muzzle.

I sighed quietly, knowing I'd probably regret this but I wanted to say something too. I walked closer to Faker, closer than everyone else and made him turn to look at us. He was crying, tears were rolling down his muzzle and his ears were pinned down. His eyes were hollow and distant, reflecting a deep sadness that seemed to drain the light from them.

I couldn't bring myself from saying anything as I stared at him. I let go of him as soon as I made him turn. No one gasped, no one said anything as they looked at him but they all looked even sadder and concerned because I was so close to him. I took a step back and took in a deep breathe.

"I want to apologize too, hedgehog." I said, trying my hardest to break down my wall so I can let the words out but I was clearly uncomfortable with so many people around. Nevertheless, I continued. "I should have given you a chance before, listened to you rant like you did for me. I shouldn't have judged you too soon and gotten to know you better when I could. That'll change, I promise I'll try to be nicer to you."

There was a brief moment while I spoke when I could have swore I saw in his eyes a hint of...


But it was gone just as fast as it appeared.

He still looked broken, and completely defeated. He looked away without saying anything.

A/N: Are you guys enjoying the book so far? How am I doing with this story?

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