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*Sonic's POV *
"I'm not sure it's a good idea for me to go out looking as well." I said as I looked down at the gloves and messed with it.

"I am capable of remaining alongside you to ensure your protection." Metal said to me. I looked at him but before I could speak, Shadow interrupted. 

"Is he going to follow you like a lost puppy again?" I rolled my eyes at Shadow's words. "I'm staying with you as well. Can't let you be on your own when the commander needed you two."

Soon enough, everyone else left until it was just the 3 of us left. Shadow and I started walking as Metal followed close behind.

"Do you think that's what happened to us?" I decided to ask Shadow. "After I started acting different, you started to do so as well with me."

"You mean because of the silver one and Mephiles?" Shadow asked and I nodded as we kept walking, not sure where to even start looking. "Maybe?" He shrugged. "I guess so."

"So if I had never done that then we wouldn't be friends now?"

"Maybe?" Shadow said flatly. "I mean, I don't find you as annoying now. In fact, I kind of miss it." He confessed making me laugh.

"Yeah right." I chuckled and looked up at the sky. "I mean whatever it was that brought us closer, my behavior, my backstabbing or immortality. I'm just glad I can be around you now."

"Shut it, Faker. You're being too soft again." He rolled his eyes.

I was going to say something but quickly stopped myself when I smelt something. "Do you smell that?" I asked as I followed the smell and Shadow followed along with Metal.

"What?" I could hear someone laughing. "Oh come on! Pass it!" I was getting closer as I passed more trees. "Scourge! Come on!" I recognized that voice.

"Babe! You can't just take mine away!" And suddenly I realized who it was. My brother, with his boyfriend.

"Sonic?" Manic said as I came into view. He quickly dropped what he was holding and stomped on it on the ground.

"Hey!" Scourge gasped. He stopped when he saw me. "Hey Blue."

"Smoking?" I raised a brow at Manic. I crossed my arms realizing it was a cigarette. "Really?"

"Oh come on! Let me have some fun." I took a step closer about to scold him about his stupid life decisions that got him here but I immediately froze when the pain suddenly started.

"The commander must be present." Metal said as he looked around, scanning the area.

"Whoa! Bro, are you okay?" Manic took a step closer.

"NO! GET AWAY!" I shouted as I fell to my knees feeling the shock go all over my body. I saw Scourge put a hand on Manics chest and quickly pulled him behind him.

Shadow suddenly crouched beside me to try to help me but I just felt even more pain. My hands were shaking as my thumb reached to press the button that will release the daggers. I shouted at Shadow to get away as well but he didn't. Even when the blades appeared and the pain calmed down just a bit. Even when I swung at him and left a cut on his torso, Shadow didn't leave my side.

"He wants you to kill your family." Shadow mumbled. "Leave. Take the prince far away from here." Shadow ordered Scourge.

Scourge didn't hesitate and grabbed my brothers hand then started running with him. Manic looked back at me, a worried look on his face.

"Get away from me." I cried to Shadow as the pain only grew as Manic left.

"I found him." We heard Mephiles say from the communicator.

*Shadow's POV *
"I found him." Mephiles voice came from our communicators. Sonic almost immediately falling to the floor as he stopped screaming from pain.

"What do I do with this?" I looked up when I saw Mephiles walked towards us with his unconscious body. Tossing the commander roughly to my direction, landing right in front of me and Sonic.

"You were here the entire time?" I glared at him as he put his emerald away.

"I needed him distracted so I could finish the job." Mephiles explained.

"Guys! What's going on? Send the location!" The echidna said through our communicators.

I did so as they asked as Mephiles waited by a tree with his arms crossed. In the meantime, I looked throught the commanders pockets for the remote. "What are you planning to do now that you have what you want? Going to kill Silver?"

"You-" Sonic slowly sat up, his body still shaking as he panted heavily and groaned from the pain. "Better stay aw-" His body couldn't handle it and he simply fell back on the grass, unconscious this time. Metal, dashing to him to help him.

I found the remote and examined it, ignoring Sonic. Mephiles had gone silent so I looked up to make sure he was a still there, to my surprise he was looking down at me as if he was trying to say something. I stood up, now eye to eye with him.

"How come you gave him a chance?" Mephiles sincerely asked me making me look at him confused. "Him." He pointed at Sonic. "You hated him, you wanted him dead. You shot him dead for what I heard. How come you're protecting him now?"

I stayed silent for a bit and crossed my arms. "I don't hate him. Not anymore. He's a friend." I admitted. It was weird to say such things out loud.

"That's all?" He asked making me raise a brow. "Just a friend?"

"Of course just a friend." I said quickly with a low growl.

"I want to..." Mephiles looked away, was he flustered? What the hell was going on? He suddenly started growling and clenched his fists.

"Are you two fighting?" Silver suddenly said as him and Blaze showed up. First ones to get here. I saw Mephiles tense up from the corner of my eyes.

"No." I answered as I looked at them.

"You found what you wanted. What will you do now?" Silver asked Mephiles, his guard up expecting a hit.

"I told you I'm not here to fight." And suddenly I realized what was going on.

Even I am not that oblivious.

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