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*Shadow's POV *
"Are you going to meet us there?" Rouge asked over the phone as I got my clothes ready for the funeral.

"Yes. I'll meet you there." I said as I went to the bathroom to go take a shower when I suddenly remembered something. "Did you get the files from G.U.N. about our next mission?" I asked and she groaned.

"No. I forgot them. Can you go get them?" Rouge said. "Please?"

"Fine." I gave in not wanting to deal with her. I rubbed my face and chaos controlled to my office at G.U.N. 

I walked to my desk and looked around for the file I was looking for then grabbed it. I was about to leave when I realized the place was quiet. Too quiet for a place full of agents and doctors always running around.

I raised a brow confused then walked to my computer and checked to see if I had any emails that I had missed but didn't find anything.

"Whats going on?" I mumbled as I started to get an uneasy feeling about this so I decided to look around.

As I made my way out of my office, I could tell no one was around. Usually there was agents walking around, making noise as they prepared for their missions or they would be training or doctors could even be heard as they treated the agents and take them around to other rooms. But today everything was quiet and no one was around.

At least that's what I thought until I heard clicking sounds coming from somewhere.

"Again." Someone said as I followed the noise and went to a room that I was too familiar with for my liking. There was a click again then I could hear a pen against paper. Someone was being tortured again, at least it wasn't me.

But why would having someone here cause for no one else to be around the building?

I took a quick glance in and immediately froze at seeing who was behind the glass wall.

Faker was laying on the floor, crying and with many wounds around his body as some agents were inside with him. Faker had cuffs around his wrists preventing him to use his powers just like they did with me when I was behind that glass.

Faker screamed in pain as some agents electrocuted him but it was silenced for us, only the agents inside that room could hear him.

My vision turned red as I saw him fall back to the ground barely breathing.

*Trigger warning*
*Sonic's POV *
I didn't know where Metal was. That was the only thing I cared about. I wanted for Metal to be safe and out of here. I wanted him to have the freedom I didn't have now that Eggman had died.

I could barely breathe and I wasn't sure if this would kill me since I couldn't run or use Dark. I hope it did. At this point I didn't have anything else to live for.

I had hurt everyone. No one would ever forgive me. But did I really care about that?

I'm not sure anymore.

Everything was turning dark as the agents kept beating me.

"It's time." The doctor behind the glass said. "Put him in the table. We are going to find out how Eggman did this to him."

I was suddenly picked up, both agents grabbing my arms and dropping me roughly on the table. I groaned quietly as they tied me down so I wouldn't move.

I could see what they were about to do. Or at least imagine it once I saw them rolling in a small cart that contained equipment to cut me open.

Were they capable of this?

Of course they would.

I couldn't move. I felt too weak, too tired, too done with everything to even care. But my body did care. It did notice once the knife was against my skin, against my torso and they started dragging the knife up.

"AHHH!" Tears rolled down my muzzle as I moved, trying to get away but an agent immediately punched my face and pinned my torso down so I wouldn't move.

The blade cut deeper and deeper and even deeper as I could feel every single thing they did to me. They dragged the knife a bit higher, still cutting, my vision turned dark again and it threatened to close as the pain became too much for me to handle.

"NO!" I cried as the agent grabbed my wrist and turned it in an impossible position, breaking my bones instantly. I gasped and cried louder from the pain. "Stop...!" My voice grew quieter than ever before as I pleaded for them to stop. "Please..." I couldn't even hear myself anymore.

"Agent Shadow?!" I heard someone shout and then there were screams. I looked to my side just to see the other side of the glass was covered in blood and suddenly the agent that broke my wrist fell to the floor.

Was he dead? I didn't know.

The bonds that were tying me down were suddenly cut and I was picked up. My visions was turning on me but it was Shadow.

"Leave me." I pleaded. I wanted to die. I wanted to hope that these cuffs would let me die.

"Shut up." Was his response as he carried me out. I couldn't keep my eyes open for long.

You saved me again, Shadow.

I wanted to tell him. I wanted to apologize. I wanted to say sorry for everything, but somehow I knew that when I woke up again, I wouldn't be with him anymore.

My vision returned in small moments, but my mind was blank, making everything so blurry and not processing everything that was going on around me.

"Stay awake." I heard once coming from Shadow as he carried me.

Another time I saw Metal in a room, turned off and without the bottom part of his body. Dismantled.

"He's alive." I heard another time.

"Sonic!" I saw Tails' face looking down at me eith his ears pinned down.

The last thing I remembered was my hands being restrained before I finally passed out.

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