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*Shadow's POV*
"Okay." Faker said after a while, he seemed tired, depressed. I sighed and rested my hand on his shoulder. "I'm sorry. I can imagine how uncomfortable that was for you." He rubbed his arm nervously.

"I'm trying to get used to it." I rolled my eyes and let go of him.

"Why?" He pushed. I didn't want to say so I stayed quiet. "Shadow. Why?" He pushed again, this time looking straight at me.

"Because I don't want you to suffer alone when the inevitable happens. It wouldn't be fair to you."

I remembered how stubborn this hedgehog can be so instead of having him bother me all day about it, I gave in and told him. I figured I may as well start hearing him joke about it now but he didn't. He looked shocked, surprised at my response and he quickly hugged me, this time, unlike all the other times, I didn't try to push away.

I did tense up slightly and I didn't hug him back like earlier but I did rub his back which was already too much for now.

"Alright. Let go." I growled when the hug became a bit too long but when he pulled away, I just wanted to hold him again once I saw he was crying again. "Chaos, stop that." I rolled my eyes. "You are too sensitive."

"Chaos, sorry for having feelings." He spat back with a light chuckle as he cleaned his tears. "But seriously, thank you Shadow. You're already doing way too much for me."

I hummed as a response then looked down at myself and examined how many cuts and bruises I had from the fall as I started to feel sore.

"I'm sorry." He apologized again making me punch him. "Hey!" He hissed.

"Stop apologizing every five seconds!" I growled at him, I was getting really annoyed. "I need a break from you." I pinched the bridge of my nose.

Sonic suddenly started laughing making me look at him confused and slightly concerned. Had he gone mad again? He looked at me and laughed a bit louder.

"What the hell is so funny, Faker?" I crossed my arms.

"This." He pointed at me then at him. "Us!" He tried to stop laughing. His emotions were really all over the place, weren't they?

"What?" I clenched my fists.

"US! Shadow, come on, out of ANYONE IN THE WORLD, of course it would be me you'd be stuck with for the rest of your life. You've always hated me. We have such a weird relationship." He cleaned tears out of his eyes. "You just hugged me and implied that you care about me, and not two minutes later you're punching me and saying you need a break from me. You're stuck with me, Shadz. Forever. The universe funny way of screwing you over." He laughed again.

Somehow, hearing him say that nickname again brought light and color around me again. Did I really miss that all this time? That's impossible.

But I knew one thing for sure. I needed to hear him laugh more often again.

I rubbed my face as everything he said settled in. What was my life? Why does this have to happen? Why him? So many questions without answers.

"Seriously need a break from you." I grabbed his arm and Chaos controlled us outside of Miles house then let go of him.

"Im-" He stopped once he saw my head snap to glare at him. "Nevermind." He laughed nervously. "But seriously, we are going to be seeing each other a lot, maybe we should fix this relationship and try to be friends?"

"Are we not now?" I raised a brow at him, my words taking him by surprise.

"Well, yeah! But I mean be nicer to one another!" He chuckled.

"This is what you get, hedgehog. I'm not a soft person, I won't treat you any different than the others just because I'll stuck with you longer than them." I crossed my arms and waited for him to reply.

He rubbed the back of his neck and nodded. "Okay. But I want you to know that if you ever need to talk, I'm here for you."

"Isn't that what I am supposed to say to you? You know, with you going mad every five seconds?"

"Did you just make a joke?" Sonic quickly answered with a smile, his tail lightly wagging making me take a step back for some reason. I scoffed and shook my head as a response. "I-I mean." He stuttered. "I mean that because I want you to trust me, Shadz. If there's ever something wrong or you need to rant. I'm here."

I stayed quiet for a bit but nodded. "The same goes for you, now don't cause anymore problems and stay. And try not to go crazy again." I Chaos controlled back to my home before I could hear what Faker had to say about it.

I immediately plopped on my couch and groaned at the pain I was in, feeling sore and tired.

*Sonic's POV*
Everyone else was still treating me the same as the days passed. Being careful around me, trying to avoid telling me certain things, except for Shadow. Who was currently glaring at me from across the room because I had just tried to go back to the room.

He kept insisting I spent time with everyone, since when is Mr. Grumpy comfortable around everyone else? He spent almost every day coming to visit with everyone, I guess now that he was unemployed, he had time but he usually liked his peace and quiet.

Was he just coming over to keep an eye on me? I had already promised him I wouldn't try to leave again but I guess he didn't fully trust me.

I could tell everyone was beginning to worry about me again, some of my friends had glanced at me and whispered to each other thinking I couldn't head but I could. It mainly consisted of them being worried that I wasn't how I used to be.

Was that really so bad that I changed?

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