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*Shadow's POV *
"Do you think they'll start dating?" Sonic asked, I finally realized how I was holding him and let go, but he stayed by my side.

"I don't care. I just need Mephiles to stop scaring the doctors. It's why Rouge and I put them together, Silver is the only one who can keep him calm." I explained, making Sonic smile.

"Like us?" He said cheerfully.

"We aren't -" I got cut off when he crossed his arms and raised a brow. "Okay. Fine." I gave in instantly. I guess it's proving him right. I genuinely don't know why my mind goes blank when I'm around him.

"So can I go now? I need to go make sure Metal is alright." He asked, but I grabbed his hand.

"You're waiting for everyone else. I'm not going to have you going alone, Hedgehog."

*Sonic's POV *
I knew he was worried about me, but it's not like I've never fought with Eggman before. I can protect myself, and now that I was immortal, there was nothing stopping me. I needed Eggman to stop and leave us alone. I was not going to continue the rest of my life living this way. Not yet, at least.

"Revenge isn't the answer." Shadow said, making me look up at him. "We will bring him here, hedgehog. Let us take care of him."

"So he can escape again? No!" I laughed. "Eggman needs to be stopped now."

"You will regret it."

"No. I won't." I said sternly, but he held my hand tighter.

"You will!" He pressed, then moved his hand to my forehead and rubbed his thumb against it. I froze.

He still thought about that day? About the day he shot me? Is that what he meant about regretting it?

I dropped my ears, feeling my stomach turn. I didn't want Shadow to keep worrying about that. It had been my fault. I had pressured Shadow to pull the trigger after all. I wanted Shadow to forget.

"Shadow. Please stop." I whispered and grabbed his face. "I'm okay. Im alive." I said and leaned closer, then kissed him. Shadow was a bit stiff at first, but he melted in the kiss and pulled me closer as he kissed me back. I never thought I'd be kissing Shadow someday.

"I know." He said after he pulled away. I knew what he had done still haunted him.

"I'm okay." I reassured him. "I promise." I smiled at him. But he rubbed his face and took a step back.

"What have you done to me, Faker?" I frowned then sheepishly smiled at him when I realized what he meant.

"Oh, come on. I quite like it. I think it's cute how soft you are with me." I guess he didn't because he glared at me. "You're still grumpy, though." I pointed out, making him roll his eyes. I thought about it for a second, then decided to give in for Shadow's sake. "Fine. I'll cooperate for now. But if Eggman manages to escape-"

"Then we won't stop you." Shadow agreed. "Let's go. The others should be ready soon." We walked out of his office.

We were standing outside Eggmans new secret base in less than an hour. My heart was racing at the thought of me fighting Eggman again. It hadn't been long, but still. Tails, Shadow, and Rouge were talking strategy, but all I wanted to do was go in.

"No." Shadow sounded mad, so I turned to look at what they were talking about. "He's not going in there alone."

They were talking about me. Shadow was being overprotective again. I walked to him and put a hand on his shoulder.

"We need him to go in first. Eggman is going to think that he went in by himself and we can take him by surprise. Knuckles, Rouge and Silver can go in looking for Metal when Sonic gives us a signal while the rest of us take him by surprise." Tails explained, and I nodded.

"I'll do it." I said before Shadow could disagree. He looked at me, then scoffed and looked away. "Let's do this." I said as everyone else walked ahead of us. As soon as everyone had turned, I kissed Shadow's muzzle. "You can't lose me, Shadz. Stop forgetting that." I walked ahead of him and to Tails side.

"You ready?" He asked nervously, and I nodded as I patted his head, making him laugh softly. He gave me a flare gun as I took off the communicator and gave it to him.

"Don't want Eggman suspecting anything." I said, making him more nervous. "I'll be okay." I reassured him, then nodded at everyone else and dashed off.

I spin dashed the entrance to Eggmans base and landed a few feet inside. "Where are you?!" I shouted. Something did not feel right.

"Eggman!" I started walking, being careful where I was going. The base seemed quiet, too quiet. Was it possible he wasn't here? "Eggman?" I asked, confused as I made my way to the main room. I could see a lot of monitors, but only one screen was on.

It was a camera pointing at me. I raised a brow confused and made my way closer to the monitor. Maybe if I turned on the rest of the cameras, I could see where he was at. But just when I reached for the mouse, I saw something moving behind me through the cameras. I quickly turned and jumped when something launched at me, crashing directly into the screens.

"Well. Well. Well. If it isn't Sonic the Hedgehog." Eggman finally spoke up. "I was waiting for you. You haven't finished your part of the deal." He laughed, robots coming out of doors inside the room I was in, keeping me surrounded. A wall opened up, and a new robot appeared. "Thank you for this idea." The robot stepped closer to me. It looked like... Shadow.

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