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*Shadow's POV *
"Sonic?!" The fox shouted in shock, I had just woken up and was about to walk downstairs to go make something to eat so the fox shouting made me tense.

I made my way to where the fox was and groaned, still trying to wake up. I needed coffee. I looked in front of him to see Sonic had made breakfast and had set the table.

"Oh right. I set him free." I mumbled making Tails look at me with a hint of anger.

"You set him free?" He asked with a smile which I guess was supposed to scare me but he just looked like a mad puppy. "What if he would have left?!"

"He wasn't going to stay chained for the rest of his life, Fox." I rolled my eyes and went to the bathroom to wash myself.

Once I did, I made myself back to the table where Sonic had set a plate of the 3 of us. Sonic was already eating as he remained quiet, I could tell he was nervous being around Miles again.

"How are you feeling?" Miles asked Faker as he nodded in response. "You didn't have to cook."

"I'm sorry." Faker said as he put his fork down and looked at his best friend. "For everything. I'm sorry." I remained quiet and let them talk.

I walked to the couch after I finished eating and washing dishes. I was thankful the fox was letting me stay here. "You both can stay in the guest room for now. You don't mind sharing a bed right?" The fox asked me but I shrugged not really minding.

"I'll kick you back if you kick me." I said to Faker who only nervously laughed at me.

"Have you heard anything from G.U.N.? Is it still not safe to go back to your house?" Miles asked and I shook my head. This only seemed to get Faker worried.

"His mother is actually dealing with everything, I think Rouge and I may be out of a job soon if she shuts down G.U.N." I pointed out making Miles nod. "Not so bad I guess." I shrugged.

"Right. Well you're still welcome to stay here for as long as you need. I need to go work on Metal now. You two won't fight or break things here, right?"

Faker and I looked at each other then back at Miles and shook our heads. We both needed to learn to get along. The fox was hesitant but he left anyways leaving us alone in the living room.

"I told you they'd still be your friends." I said to Faker as he walked to sit with me, he laid down upside down for some reason, it wasn't unusual of him to do so but I still always found it strange.

"That's Tails though. I don't know about everyone else." He rubbed his face as he put a movie.

The rest of the day went by pretty quiet and uneventful. I went to bed before Sonic who stayed up to talk to Miles. The next morning, I woke up to Faker laying beside me, one of his legs over mine as he laid on his back. I rolled eyes and got out of bed.

*Sonic's POV *
Being around Shadow was a bit strange since he wasn't attacking me anymore or snapping at me 24/7. But I guess it was something we both had to get used to, I could tell I would get on his nerves every once in a while, not like I was acting the way I used to. I still felt strange being back here and every day I spent at Tails house I kept forcing myself not to walk out the door.

It passed a week before we heard any news about what will happen to Shadow. He was called to go to G.U.N. and was currently taking a shower before he left. I was still laying down in bed which we had been sharing for the past week, it took a bit before we both got used to sleeping next to the other. The first few days, Shadow kept getting mad and kicking me off the bed. Thank chaos we weren't sharing a blanket because then he would kill me since I tend to hog the blanket.

"Are you sure it's a good idea to go?" I asked Shadow once I saw him getting out, brushing his damp fur.

"I can't not go." Shadow said as he sat down at the edge of the bed while I sat up and rested back on the bed frame. "Rouge also got called, they didn't tell us why and the queen hasn't said anything either."

"What if they start-" I was cut off, everyone was trying for me not to stress or worry about things I tend to worry about. They were doing a good job but I felt like I was being pushed away.

The fact that everyone was being extra cautious with me as well made me feel out of place but Shadow was the only one who wasn't acting any different. Well, not different than the way he treats the others that is. He is different than before because he told me he wants to change and wanted to give everyone a chance.

"Shut up. There's no use to worry about it." He stood up after he put his communicator on.

"It's weird seeing you two get along." We both looked at the door where we saw Rouge. "And sharing a bed, like a married couple."

Shadow and I looked at each other then back at Rouge and threw pillows at her face.

"Get that out of your head and don't ever say it again." Shadow said, a vein basically popping out in his forehead, clearly annoyed at the idea. Maybe even disgusted.

"Rude." I said to Shadow with a small laugh making him turn to look at me then roll his eyes. "You'd be lucky to have me."

"More like unlucky. Only in my nightmares." Shadow rolled his eyes again.

Rouge laughed at us and threw the pillows back, Shadow dodging while I got hit in the face. I groaned since my head bounced back on the bed frame. I rubbed the back of my head and chuckled.

"I'm just saying it's nice you two are getting along for once. You two will be together forever now." Rouge looked at me when she said that since she knew it was still a sensitive subject. "I know how you feel about it Hun, but I am thankful that out of everyone, Shadow will always have you and you'll have him."

I gave her a small smile, I still didn't know how exactly to feel about this but I guess she wasn't wrong. I am thankful that at least I won't be alone. I was also always worried about Shadow, at least this way I'll make sure he'll always have someone.

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