1 , universes

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It was past three AM as I finally stumbled back into my room, trying to wipe the image of my parents proud smiles they'd give me when I told them how long I'd managed to stay out. It was almost ironic, a person definitely had to be a certain kind of messed up for their parents to be practically begging them to leave the house once in a while, and that was me.

I'd been sent to a club, by my parents, in hopes I would find some joy in going out, yet, as I slipped out of my tight black dress, I was regretting ever agreeing to their wishes. The club had been nothing but loud, the people annoying, and the drinks not cold enough. I'd escaped before a group of very drunk looking boys had managed to get to where I was standing.

I untied my hair, letting the dark brown locks fall to my shoulders as I got into my pajamas, flopping onto my bed to check my phone before shitting it, sighing as I stared at my ceiling. Tiny fairy lights flickered on the roof, the star look-alikes being one of the only things that could help me sleep on most days. Yet, as I lay there, I knew tonight would be harder. I couldn't just fall into a peaceful sleep after trying to interact with people. The last few hours events would repeat in my mind, trying to remember every single time I'd embarrassed myself, unless I distracted my mind for a bit. I turned onto my stomach, but not before grabbing my laptop from my bedside table and opening up youtube to try find something decent to watch.

A 'funny clips compilation' of the Avengers actors popped up first, and I almost gave in, even though I'd watched that exact video countless times before, but settled on a podcast about book recommendations. A small ache still filled my chest as I scrolled my home page once the podcast was done—videos on the Avengers littered my feed, straight up exposing my obsession with the characters to anyone who stumbled upon it. It sounded stupid, but in that moment, I would have given anything to be in that world. "Every Avengers Last Words." I scrolled past the video, a sad smile slipping onto my face.

Could I have even saved them if I'd been there? I would be lying if the scenario of me jumping off the cliff on Vormir hadn't crossed my mind, or the thought of running up to Tony before he snapped and doing it myself. 'You have to sacrifice someone you love, meaning someone has to love you, for jumping off of Vormir to even count,' I thought to myself, scoffing bitterly. So that was probably out of the question.

Marley, the gray and white ball of fluff that for some reason seemed to love me, jumped onto my bed and cuddled into my side - obviously having slipped into my room when I'd gotten back, and his presence along with the white noise of another youtube video, was enough for me to finally drift into a sleep around thirty minutes later.

"MARK" I woke to the voice of my mum screaming my fathers name, something shattering just a few seconds later. I scrambled out of bed, never having moved that fast in my life, trying to blink the blurriness out of my eyes as I reached my mothers side, gripping hold of both her shoulders as she stared at my face with nothing but pure terror in her eyes.

"Mum? W-whats wrong!? Hey-hey talk to me. You're alright, okay? What happened?" I tried calming her down, but it only seemed my voice got her even more distressed, tears streaking her face as she let herself be lowered to the ground by me, hands shaking. I was fully freaking out by now, having no idea of what had happened to get her like this. She was one of the strongest people I'd come across on my time on earth, so something truly horrible must have gone down for her to be sobbing on my bedroom floor.

I still hadn't managed to get even a word out of her when my father came rushing into the room. "Dad, what's happening? P-Please call someone! I don't know what happened to her. S-She was just like this when I woke up." I hadn't even noticed that shards of glass from the vase my mother had been carrying had dug into both palms of my hands and knees as I sat with her on the ground, but I couldn't bother about that in the moment. "D-Dad?" I said again, more soft yet more desperation etched into my voice as I saw the same ghostly expression take over my fathers face as he walked into the room.

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