12 , the vision

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Another few hours later and we were in Seoul, Korea—landing the Quinjet a bit away from Doctor Cho's lab. I had insisted that Natasha stay in the jet, while Steve, and I ran out, me promising the red head that I would stay away from any sort of battles, instead sticking close to the jet and just keeping an eye out of the things going on so I could help out with letting the others know what to do whenever I could. "I'm in contact with Helen, she's hurt but alright." Steve's voice came through the intercom a minute later. "Ultron's got out—she says he's uploading himself into the body already." I jumped back into the jet and watched as Natasha located the private jet that would be taking off soon, spotting the truck taking the body there not much later.

I waited with baited breath as I watched the Captain leap onto the truck and start fighting Ultron inside. "Well, he's definitely not happy with us. I'm going to try and keep him that way." Steve said breathlessly through the intercom.

"I'm sorry, but you're no match for him alone, Cap." Clint said, who was sitting shotgun in the jet beside Natasha.

I turned to face the blonde man who was sitting next to me, nodding at him. "Thor, its your time to shine." Watching as the god nodded once and jumped out of the still flying jet, I hoped against hope that having him here would be enough to turn the tables in our favour. Since he had been missing in action when this scene had gone down in the movies, having Thor fighting along side Steve would be a huge change. It would mean Natasha probably wouldn't have to leave the jet to help out, resulting in one less kidnapping. Wanda, anytime now would be perfect.

I wasn't sure if I had somehow just willed the lady into existence, because not a second later, a burst of red energy wrapped itself around the truck that both Thor and Steve were fighting inside, and to my shock, the whole thing was lifted straight off the road and let down gently a bit to the side, where it wouldn't be in danger of getting in the way of traffic. "Alright, Steve, Thor—you two have got backup now. Your goal is currently to get that body out of there and back to Tony at the tower. Tell Wanda to not smash Ultron to pieces before we can make that happen, we need to keep him busy for a bit longer for this to work."

"Roger that, Captain." Steve replied sarcastically, but I could hear him relaying what I had told him to Wanda a second later over the intercom. "Any clue how long we have to keep Scrappy here busy? I'm not sure how much longer we can hold him." He asked a minute or so later as Natasha flew the jet as close as it could get to the fight on the ground without landing.

I shrugged. "As long as it takes for Tony and Bruce to successfully be mad scientists. Look—you could destroy Ultron's body a million times, and he would just keep on coming back again and again and again until he eventually wins. We can't have that happen. Vision can kill him—he can destroy the code from within, not just his body. We cannot do so, so we just have to figure out a way to keep Ultron busy until the body reaches Tony, he and Bruce can get it ready, and Vision comes finds us in Korea."

I could practically hear Steve's eyeroll at my words. "Alright, then please, by all means, what do you suggest we do with his guy till then Miss Know-it-all?" I was about to reply when suddenly, Thor came bursting out of the side of the truck, Cradle, which help the body, in his hands as he flew straight into the clouds and had vanished within seconds. "Thor's got the body secured! He should have it with Stark and Banner within a few minutes if he doesn't... you know, drop it or something." Steve informed us a second later.

I frowned for a second, before turning to Natasha. "Okay, assuming Thor can get that body to Tony and Bruce within the next two or three minutes, since he can fly at the speed of lightning and whatnot, and without all the pointless arguing and having already gotten the configuration mostly ready, Tony and Bruce should be able to get Jarvis uploaded in... like, tops twenty minutes? And then Vision can get back here in no time, so... we have to keep Ultron busy for around another twenty-five minutes or so." The black widow listened to me ramble off the calculations, before biting her lip and turning to look at me.

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