32 , flashbacks

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I woke up before Loki the next morning, seeing that it was barely sunrise outside. Standing up and stretching, I saw that the blanket that had been covering Loki had almost fallen off his body, so I slowly walked over and picked it up gently without thinking about what I was doing, placing it over the man. He thankfully didn't seem to wake with my movements, so I made my way up to my room to quickly get ready—hastily picking out a pair of jeans and a sweater of the day, not really paying mind to what I was wearing these days as we barely left the compound. I made my way back downstairs to see that Loki had woken up in the time I had been away, and was now standing in the kitchen part of the room, trying to figure out the kettle. Smiling fondly at his actions, I walked over to where he was standing, softly tapping his shoulder to get him to turn around. "Morning, Loki. Trying to make tea?"

The man smiled in return, which was not something I was used to him doing. "I was attempting something of that sort, yes. How are you feeling this morning?" The actual concern in Loki's voice about me was enough to make me look away and start boiling the water for the tea he had planned—unable to make eye contact as I took in his words.

"Oh, practically fine, really. It wasn't that bad... my hand just, wasn't in the best shape, but you did enough for it to not be bothering me right now, so thank you for that. I'll get the tea going if you want to get ready, and then... I guess we kind of have to talk to the guy who decided to pay me a visit last night." I could see that same look of anger resurface on Loki's face, but he stayed quiet, just nodding and walking off to his room while I prepared two cups of tea in the spare time.

He walked back out of the lift a few minutes later, and I handed the man his steaming cup of tea—trying my hardest not to stare at his slightly unbuttoned dark green shirt and still wet hair as I did so. I realised Loki must have taken my sudden change of mood as being worried about the pending interrogation, because he paused on his way leading us to where he had locked the man up, turning to me with a soft look on his face. "You don't have to do this, my lady. I can have a chat with the man and let you know what he says. Do not feel pressured to speak with him yourself, if that is something that is worrying you."

I still wasn't used to Loki's new tone of... care that he had started using with me, and it took me a few seconds to just come to my senses and snap out of whatever thoughts had taken over my mind in that moment. I shook my head as soon as I had taken in what he had said. "No, no I want... I want to watch this, even if I don't say anything. I need to understand who they are, Loki. What they want from me. And... I mean, its a slim chance, but there is still a possibility that I could understand them from something I've watched in one of the movies or shows better than one of you could. I may not like it, but I have to do it. I'll be alright, really. I know he can't hurt either of us, thats... thats what matters."

In hadn't lied at all during that conversation, but I hadn't exactly told the full truth. I knew that I would be fine physically when coming face to face with the person who had tried to kidnap me the day before, but my palms had already gone cold even just thinking how I would mentally handle what I had to in a few moments. But I swore to myself I wasn't going to make a fool out of myself in front of Loki or my attacker by freaking out about it—no. I had to learn how to deal with these things, after all, I hadn't thought everything would be sunshine and rainbows when I'd decided to go seek out the avengers just to help them with their very dangerous missions in the first place. I had to stick to that now, when it really was important. And so I braced myself as Loki stopped outside one of the storage rooms and nodded to him once—signaling for him to open the door.

Loki did exactly that, and I took one last deep breath before I followed him into the dimly lit room. The first thing that I noticed was that the man was now in a chair, still tightly tied with Loki's strange green rope things, it seemed from the looks of it. There were a few of the glowing tendrils sneaking across the pale mans face, and Loki sent them recoiling with one quick flick of his hand as we walked closer to the hostage. "Fuck off. I'm not saying a word to you people, if thats what you're here for, especially not that bitch!" Something about the man straight up trying to curse me out made any sort of fear I had felt towards him moments before vanish into thin air, and I held up my hand to stop Loki before he shot back with something.

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