51 , the epilogue

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It was definitely a scene when I'd walked back into the room where all the other avengers were waiting, confused as to what had just happened. They didn't get any extra clarity by me telling them that I had a plan, and that I couldn't explain much other than I needed my parents to be brought from there home here and for them to allow me through the portal. I had just about got off the phone with my parents in this world once again, and they'd almost immediately agreed to traveling five years or so into the future. Granted, it would most likely be a lot harder to convince the parents that I had left behind to do the same, which was why I was planning on going back myself and bringing them here. Tony had said we had enough of the material for a round trip, which was all I needed. I'd go back to that universe with my parents from this universe, and try bring the others back.

Things started getting wired as soon as my parents walked in with younger me and Marley, but I tried to focus on what had just happened between Loki and I on the roof, knowing that all of this would be worth it if we could stick together. He was currently standing on the other side of the room, trying to stay unnoticed for the most part by the rest of the team, though I couldn't help glance at him from time to time as my mind replayed what had happened. As much as I wanted to talk to my younger self and just... ask her random stuff, I knew it would most probably mess things up, and so I resisted the urge to do anything stupid as we all suited up and walked to the portal. Besides, she didn't even know about everything that had happened, and that the woman going with her to the strange new world was in fact... her. But it would be better if things stayed that way, as I knew that in the state I had been in six years ago, learning any of what had happened would be traumatising, especially since I was already throwing the news that she was going to be moving to a knew universe onto her-or, me. It was all highly confusing.

But I knew it was all for the better as I gave Loki one last nod, hoping to assure him I would be back as soon as possible, before giving Tony a thumbs up to indicate we were ready to go. Everything seemed to stop as a whirring sound filled my head and everything turned to a silverish mist around me. I barely had time to think of my universe and the house I knew all too well before all five of us were thrown out of the time loop thing and onto hard, cold floor. I quickly stood up, taking a look to make sure my family and 'myself' were all alright before starting to walk towards the front door of my house, rubbing my shoulder that had hit the pavement outside. "Stay here for a minute, please. This is going to be very weird for everyone, and I think it'll be easier if I go in alone." I said looking back at my parents, before carefully stepping up to the front door of my house and ringing the doorbell. A few seconds had barely passed by the time my mother came to the door and opened it, looking tired and annoyed at something—but the look on her face vanished instantly when I took my mask off, quickly stepping inside before young me who was waiting outside would see who I was.

"E-Elaina? What..." I stepped forward and wrapped my arms around the woman before she could say anything else, and couldn't help let a few tears escape my own eyes as she started sobbing into my shoulder—the pure relief of actually having been able to come back to my family really only hitting me in that moment. "How are you—we thought you were dead! What in the world are you wearing? You've been gone for months, darling. What..." I pulled away from my mother before she could go on, realising exactly where I had got my overthinking from, though I didn't blame her for freaking out even one bit. I led her back into the house and made her sit down on one of the couches inside, trying my best to explain the last few months as best as I could the whole time. "You... traveled to another world in your sleep? And... and met when the avengers? Saved them? Elaina... what are you talking about!?"

I sighed, knowing that I should have realised just throwing all the information at my mother wouldn't work. "Alright, w-where's dad? This is going to be a lot easier to explain only once." A few minutes later my father had been brought into the room, and I'd told him everything I had already said to my mum, realising it probably wasn't fair to them at all that I was just brushing over the fact that I had been missing for months so quickly, but knowing I had to. "Look, I know all of this sounds utterly ridiculous and I understand if you don't believe what I'm saying. But... do you really think I would have left you here alone if I had the choice? I mean... the least I would have done was leave you a note or something before switching universes, but I didn't get the chance. I'm pretty sure that as my parents you both know the story of endgame... thats what I've lived through. I-I helped the avengers win the battle without losing any of their lives, and... they became my friends. It sounds bad, I know, but Loki—yes, Thor's brother, no he is not evil, suggested that I... I move there. Permanently."

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