7 , the team

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Soon, all the other avengers who were currently at the tower had been introduced to me, and I had to commend myself on not even passing out even once during the whole thing. It was safe to say I wasn't doing too good. I mean... what did you really expect with you put a girl into a room filled with some of the people she would have died to meet just a few days ago? It felt like I was about to explode literally any second, and took all my effort to actually focus on Tony's words. "Okay, so where exactly do we go from here? Explain why later. Right now I just want you to tell me what we have to do next." he asked, but I knew it wasn't that simple.

"Alright, don't hate me, but I kind of have to do a bit of explaining before I can really go into a plan of action or anything like that. I'll try keep it short, though." I replied as Tony sighed, but nodded for me to go ahead anyway. "Okay, so there's this pig purple guy called Thanos, who's whole shtick is basically just going to as many planets around this universe as he can and 'snapping' half the population on them away. Dusting them, killing them, with these things called the infinity stones. There are six of them, one representing each element of the universe or something. Space, Mind, Soul, Time, Reality and Power. I'm pretty sure even just one is enough to dust some of the smaller planets, so you can understand what would happen if he managed to get hold of all six. Those are what we need to go after—the infinity stones. Thankfully, we're around three or four years early, so we should have enough time to get them together before Thanos comes for earth." I said, looking around to room to see a bunch of very confused faces looking back at me.

I sighed, "Alright, we're currently in 2014, right? And we just about finished playing out the events of a movie called the Winter Soldier, meaning that Age of Ultron is next. It starts with the avengers raiding a HYRDA base somewhere in Sokovia, so if you guys can locate that a bit sooner now that you know if it already, that should trigger the events of the next movie, I'm guessing. Thanos only comes for the stones in 2018, so if things go according to plan, and we can really control how and when the movies play out, we should be able to secure the stones before he can get them this time around. I... have a pretty decent idea of where each one is being kept right now."

"Kid, I'm not going to lie, I'm lost." Tony stated after a few seconds, already having dropped the formalities with my name. "But... I can follow along enough to understand we need to find some little stones that should most likely be sitting in an ornament jar or something and definitely shouldn't be what our world relies on to keep existing, but whatever. So... alright then. Which one do we start with? And also... where are we planning to keep them if we manage to find these stones—because if this Thomas guy really is as powerful as you say, is it really safe to keep them anywhere around here?"

"Thanos. And... thats a good question. Do any of you guys have a strangely perfect spot you just happen to know about which was conveniently left out of the movies?" I asked sarcastically, looking around the room to a few laughs, but Thor raised his hand.

"Lady Elaina, if I may—I'm not sure if my home was shown in these... movies, of yours, but I'm sure father would be more than willing to house these stones in Asgard for the time being. They will be protected as well as any place on Midgard, I can assure you that much." he said seriously, and I took a few seconds to actually think about it.

"You know... thats honestly a bloody damn good shout. We keep the stones of Asgard until we find a way to destroy them. That works great—especially since you already have one of them residing there already. The space stone. And... yes, Thor. Asgard is very prominent in the movies—your movies, to be exact. Which you have three of, I think." My words caused a sudden burst of noise from the room—Thor grinning at the fact that he had three of his own movies, Tony, asking how many he had, while Natasha and Clint seemed a lot more focused on the fact that I had said one of the infinity stone's was on Asgard. Bruce just sat and watched everyone yelling around the room.

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