17 , an apology?

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I smiled, my heart leaping before I forced myself to calm down and walk closer to the rest of the group. "Oh, okay... amazing! Thats-thats great, Thor. I'll be up early anyway, so I can fill them all in on what has to happen next. Speaking of, I don't think I've even told you guys about what the next plan of action is, have I?" I asked, when the whole room pretty much simultaneously shook their heads, I sighed, taking a seat on one of the sofa's and starting the story of the power stone. I recapped everything I could remember from the first Guardians of the Galaxy movie, and it was a relief to be able to be telling the avengers about a movie that had basically nothing to do with them, meaning I didn't have to hold back most of the outcome. A few minutes later I had told them basically all they would need to know. "So Thor, I was thinking you could accompany Quill and the others to Xander, and ask the Nova Corps to give back the stone. They shouldn't try and resist, as the Guardians were the ones to give them the stone in the first place."

The rest of the avengers seemed pretty alright with the plan, which was a first, and then Tony suddenly axed me to tell them about the other stones. "I mean... if there isn't some actual reason you don't want us to know about them, I'd like to have a better idea of what has to happen next—as I really doubt you've been making us go after the hardest stones to obtain first." He finished, making me wince, knowing exactly how right he was. Even though I had hoped I wouldn't have to, I realised that there was indeed one other stone I could tell them about already.

"Alright, so you already know about the Tesseract, the Mind stone, which is with Vision, and of course the Reality and Power stones... why don't I tell you about the Time stone—and a certain someone named Stephen Strange..." I started retelling the story of Dr. Strange's movie, or at least as much of it as I could remember in the moment. The avengers seemed extremely interested in hearing his story, and were quick to ask why I hadn't gone after that stone first, to which I had to explain that, one, the Time stone was probably the most secure stone other than the ones we had at the moment, and that two, Strange wasn't exactly the... easiest person to ask to just hand over his prized possession like that. They finally seemed to understand that we couldn't go after it immediately, and also didn't need to. The Time stone was pretty safe with Stephen.

After another bit of talking, and then Tony deciding to order in Chinese for dinner, Thor finally called for Heimdall to beam him back up to Asagrd, and the avengers soon dispersed to their own rooms, or work areas to spend the rest of the night in peace. I stood up after most had already left, and had just about said goodbye to whoever was still awake, making my way to the lift when the sudden feeling of a presence behind me made me spin around only to come face to face with the one and only god of mischief. I decided to just give the man a curt nod and turn back to the lift, pretty sure he was just going back up to his room as well, but more due to the fact that I didn't really wish to speak to him in the moment. And so I had to stand there for another minute or so in awkward silence, waiting for the lift to come back to the ground floor. Loki followed me into the small area when it finally did, and I suddenly made myself look very interested with the hundreds of buttons on the panel inside. "Miss Devoe, if I may-"

"What? You here to tell me how I'm going to mess something else up as well this time? As much as I appreciate the offer, I'm not exactly in the mood to have you try mock my efforts to save you people again... thanks though, but I'll pass." Was I being overdramatic? Did Loki really deserve to be yelled at before I even knew what he was going to say? Maybe not, but I didn't really give a shit right then. The things he had said earlier had had more of an effect on me than I would have wished to admit, and completely blocking the man out was definitely one way to try and push those thoughts aside for as long as I could, so that was what I would do.

To my surprise, Loki looked taken aback at my sudden outburst, but what had he been expecting? That I wouldn't care about any of it? That I'd forgive him immediately just because I had been watching him on television for a good few years? I turned to the doors of the lift which were already opening, trying to step out and walk to my room as quickly as possible, but a hand grabbed hold of mine as I got out, making me spin around to see a sheepish looking Loki standing right there. He immediately let go of my wrist seeing the look of anger on my face. "Elaina, I am sorry. That's what I wanted to say. I...I was being unnecessarily rude yesterday morning, and... it didn't sit with me right after you and Romanoff had left. I... know that there is absolutely no reason for you to be doing this other than generosity that I cannot understand. And... I appreciate you trying to save me."

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