43 , sir vashon

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We had decided to go find the so called "Sir Vashon' who was apparently the one after me once the rest of the avengers had turned in for the night, as it would be easier for Loki and I to sneak out of the compound without anyone getting suspicious about what we were up to that way. So, just as the clock struck one AM, there was a knock on my room's door and sure enough, I opened it to see Loki standing out in the corridor, his hands already inside the pockets of the black coat that he had worn for our outing. I tried not to focus on how good he looked in it, with his hair slightly loose as he hadn't gotten a chance to style it however he usually did. It reminded me of the way he looked in his own series, which had always been my favourite look of his. "Are you ready, my lady?"

I gave the god an exaggerated nod, finishing off with a quick bow as I quickly grabbed my own black bomber jacket from my bedroom before following the man back out into the hallway. Loki held his hand out to me just as I slipped the jacket on, and I took it, the two of us immediately vanishing from that spot and arriving outside a tall building a second later. I shivered, as Loki had chosen to drop us straight into the snow filled street outside the place we were going—stuffing my hands into my jacket pockets as he had done a bit before, staring up at the large building in front of us. The first thing that caught my attention were the tall spiked black gates that stood between where Loki had brought us and the house I assumed we were going to be breaking into—something that was not very common for houses around where we had lived, making me believe that wherever we had arrived, it wasn't anywhere near the compound. My eyes slowly moved to the building behind the gates, and I instantly realised that whoever lived there was most likely rich—the cold looking gray stone that it was made out of, and the intricate turrets and details that almost looked carved into the walls gave the whole building a look that I felt fitting a lot better back where I had lived than in new york, but I knew that I hadn't really seen enough of the city to really say that. "I'm guessing there's a reason you didn't take us straight into the house?" I asked, turning to look at Loki who was staring up at the building from next to me.

He nodded, slowly walking up to the metal gates and placing one of his hands on the bars. "Unfortunately... there are limits to my powers as well. Now, if I had the Tesseract still, we would be able to teleport quite almost anywhere we wished. But there are things that I cannot do with simply me magic—one of those being teleporting into peoples residencies. It's quite sad, really. A lot of missed opportunities... but rules are rules, and even magic tends to have boundaries, as strange as that sounds. But no matter, now that we're here, I could just..." The god trailed off, running his hands over the bars once again, but this time to my shock, it passed right through the metal as if it were just smoke. With a small smile at his work, Loki held out his other hand to me and gestured for me to walk through the very much still there gates, but I decided to trust the man and walk in front of him. I had to stop myself from gasping as my body passed right through the material as it it were a mere trick on my eyes or something, and Loki followed through a few seconds later. I turned back to the metal and touched it, but the cold hard very real bars were back in place.

I turned to face Loki once again with nothing but pure awe and shock written all across my features as I stared at him, wide eyed. "Okay... how in the world did you do that."

But the man just gave me a small smirk, walking further up the cobbled path to the front doors of the mansion type house. "A sorcerer never tells his secrets... besides, the magic I just performed wasn't this worldly, so your question actually is incorrect. Now... lets go have a little chat with this Sir Vashon, shall we?" I narrowed my eyes at Loki with a sulky look at his reply, being too cold to stick my tongue out at the man as I followed him closer to the house. As we reached the front wooden doors, I turned to look at Loki as if to ask if he had a plan on how to get inside this set of doors as well, but of course I needn't even ask, as he seemed to be already working on the locked handles. A minute or so later, Loki had managed to quietly unlock the door, and I didn't even ask how he'd managed it this time as he held the door open for me—following after I had walked in a second later. We didn't have any real light sources with us, but once again Loki proved just how useful he was by raising one of his hands in the air as if he was holding something invisible, and a second later a soft green glow filled the hallway we were standing in from the small ball of green light that he had summoned to his hand. I watched Loki walk about the place for a minute, silently getting a better idea of our surroundings before we walked anywhere further. It was so intriguing... I had only ever really seen the god use his powers for, well... not the best intentions, in the movies, but seeing him control his magic up close in such a precise and delicate way, it looked beautiful. I knew that was a strange way to describe his magic, but it was the only way I could truly explain what it looked like. It was pretty.

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