45 , last minute work

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The next two days flew by faster than any of my time at the compound had, and before I knew it, the night before Tony and Peppers wedding had arrived. For some reason, it almost seemed like Natasha and I were more stressed to make sure everything was perfect than even the people actually getting wed, which in some twisted way was a relief as at least I knew I would be disappointing myself more than the others if anything went wrong. I hadn't had much time to go visit my parents in after the war had ended, but I did manage to go across for a few hours that day and get some cuddles from Marley. I had to break the news to them that Tony had found a way for me to most likely be able to go back to my world, which was a hard conversation to have... but my parents were strong people, and took it better than even I had. "I'm just... I'm just glad that we got to speak to you again, and that we'll know that you're doing alright in another universe." My mothers words she'd said to me before I'd left to return to the compound played in my head as I sat on my bed, petting the kitten who had fallen asleep on my lap.

A knock at my door pulled me out of my thoughts and forced me to look up, even Nixie waking up for a second to see what the noise was all about before laying her head back down and closing her eyes once she was sure no one was coming to harm us. I frowned, unsure as to who would be at my room door at this hour, since it was already past midnight and most of the team had decided to try have an early night so we were all prepared for the next day. "Friday... who's outside the door?" I asked in a low voice, not wanting to disturb the cat on my lap anymore.

"Loki, Miss Devoe. Would you like me to let him in?" My eyes widened as I stammered to find the right words, brain trying to work a lot faster than it was capable of, trying to figure out why in the world him of all people was standing outside my room at this hour.

"Y-yes. You can let him in." I gently moved Nixie off my lap and onto my pillow, the kitten thankfully staying asleep as I stood up and walked over to my door just as Loki opened it and stepped inside. I gave the man a quick smile, ushering him in and closing the door before anyone walked past and decided to start making fun of us. The last thing I needed was Natasha seeing this, I knew exactly how that would end, and would do anything to avoid having to live through it.

"I'm very sorry for bothering you at this hour, my lady, its just... I have no idea what to wear for tomorrow's event and I-I thought you may have an idea of what I could do in this situation. I can magic any clothes I wish to have, but thats not the issue. I have absolutely no idea what the rules of a Midgardian wedding are, and I'm afraid if I arrive in Asagrdian attire it would look strange. What am I meant to do, Miss Deove? Please help." I had to stop myself from laughing at Loki's disheveled state, forcing myself to take the man before me seriously, seeing that the poor guy really did seem upset about what he was coming to me about. I just couldn't help find it funny how in my eyes, he would look fine in anything he wore, yet he seemed so bothered by it. "In all honestly... I hadn't thought of this before today because I-I believed that Stark wouldn't want me there tomorrow, but then he asked if I would be going with someone and I realised that he just expected me to be there."

I narrowed my eyes and crossed my arms theatrically as I told Loki to take a seat on my bed as I took a long look at him. "Hmm, alright. Easy work, it's not like I'm gonna have a hard time making you look decent." Realising what I was saying, I looked away before Loki could see my heated cheeks, taking the opportunity to walk over to my closet and pull out the dress I was going to be wearing. "Try a black suit with a tie this colour, that way you'd be matching perfectly in with the colour scheme as well." The god obliged and within a few minutes I had managed to help him magic up a suit that looked more wedding suitable than the court-ish suits he seemed to be used to working with. I stood back, a smile on my face as I examined 'my' work. "Yeah, that works just fine. I'm not sure how your magic stuff works, but if you can just like... I don't know, save this outfit and use it tomorrow, you'll be fine."

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