46 , the wedding

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I wasn't a happy crier and had never really understood how people could start sobbing when something good happened in a movie or something, but... standing there in the front row before the alter on the pier that the wedding was going to take place on, watching as Pepper walked up to Tony who was already there waiting for her... I would admit brought a tear to my eye. Peter and I had been the ones asked to bring the rings up for them, and I did so nervously, giving Pepper a quick smile as I handed over hers before scurrying back to my spot next to Natasha to watch the couple exchange their vows. The ceremony went off beautifully, and I found myself wiping away another one or two stray tears as Tony and Pepper were officially married. They hadn't wanted much else to be done, and quickly the fifty or so people who had been in the seats opposite the pier were dispersed around the area outside the cabin, most guests making their way over to the dance floor kind of spot we had provided for after the main ceremony was over.

Natasha and I hung back for a few minutes, Tony and Pepper wanting to speak with us and thank us once again for everything we had done, which we assured had been a pleasure. Then leaving them to spend some time alone at the dock, I pulled Natasha away and we made our way to the other side of the cabin where the music was playing and the party had really started. Neither of us really felt like dancing, but it was just as fun to stand on the sidelines and watch everything we'd worked on be enjoyed by the people around us. That was, until Bruce decided to swoop in and take Natasha onto the floor for a dance, leaving me smiling at the two of them, wondering why they still weren't together. Peter had brought MJ, someone who I had had to confirm to Tony was in fact a good and trustworthy person before he let her come, and they were awkwardly but very sweetly trying to dance along to the slow song that was on. Wanda and Vision were gliding along as if they had been dancing like this for ages, while most of the other avengers were just dancing along solo, other than Hope and Scott who were swaying together as well, a peaceful expression on both of their faces.

I spotted Steve standing on one side of the dance floor as well, watching on with a distant smile on his face, but from only one look I could tell that his mind was on one woman and one woman only. I thought about what he did when he went back to put the infinity stones back in their homes and wondered if I would still be in this world when that happened. But I tried not to feel too bad for him, knowing that he'd eventually get the life that he always wished for with Peggy in the end. Bucky walked over to the man a minute later, and the two of them started laughing about something, letting me look away knowing that they both had each other at least. Tony and pepper joined the rest of the people on the floor a few minutes later, walking into the center of the area hand in hand and starting to dance together. I tapped my foot along to the beat as a slightly more upbeat song came on, sipping my drink that Sam had handed me as I observed all the people around me, trying to make sure I remembered each detail of them that I could so that I could at least keep their true memory alive in my world as long as I lived. I didn't want to forget. I couldn't bare the thought of forgetting any of this, it had definitely been one of the best things that had ever happened to me and I would cherish the memories for my lifetime, even if it had to come to an end soon.

I moved the a slightly more shaded part of the place a few minutes later as the sun came out after what felt like days, even the ball of flame wanting to experience Tony and Pepper's wedding, I thought with a smile. It wasn't an issue though as most of the outside was well shaded by the pine-ish trees that covered the whole area, and I easily found a spot that wasn't as warm within seconds on the other side of the dancefloor.

"I wouldn't have taken you for someone standing on the sidelines of a dance." A sudden voice spoke nonchalantly from behind me, making me spin around only to come face to face with Loki. I looked at him in surprise, not having spotted him standing further back under the same tree I had chosen to seek cover under. He looked charming as always, especially in the black suit I had helped him pick out the night before paired with the light tie that matched perfectly with the dress I had on. I noticed that he too was holding a glass of something most likely alcoholic in one of his hands as he leaned against the tree trunk with a small smile on his face.

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