9 , visit to sokovia

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I was finally back at my house, having been dropped off by Natasha an hour or so ago, and was now trying to explain exactly where I had vanished off to for the past two days. Thankfully, they seemed to completely understand why I had had to go, and even encouraged me to spend as much time as I wanted at the avengers tower. "Honey," my mother started after I had finished apologising for the fiftieth time, "we know you're not the girl we lost, alright? You're an adult—Elaina. And there is no way we're going to stop you from doing whatever you want. We would be alright with you even choosing to stay at the tower with the avengers, if thats what you wish to do. Listen, they are the ones who need your help, not us. We're just so grateful to have gotten to speak to you again—and as long as you come visit once or twice a week, its perfectly alright if you have to spend your time at the tower. Besides, you shouldn't be spoiling us with always being around anyway—this place will get too lonely once you find a way back to your world if you do."

She had said the last few words in a very lighthearted tone, a smile on her face as she had spoken them, but that didn't mean each one didn't pierce my heart with what felt like a thousand little blades. How could I ever think of doing that to them? How could I possibly ever choose to leave my parents and go back home? But... I couldn't just forget about the people waiting for me in my own world who had no idea what had happened to me, probably thinking I'd been kidnapped or something. How could I ever choose between the two families, who both needed daughters, when I was the only one there? On top of that, add in the fact that I currently could barely spend any time with either set as I was trying to save the lives of movie character's. My life was completely, totally, so utterly normal.

I spent the rest of the day with my parents, but they insisted I go back to the avengers tower for the night as they didn't want me to have to rush extra in the morning, as I told them about the early mission planned for the next day—the absolute legends they were. So after dinner, I asked if Tony could come pick me up, which he happily agreed to. Not ten minutes after I had called, a speeding car pulled up to my front door and I mentally facepalmed, scared of the impression the billionaire was going to make on my parents. But they seemed to love him.

"Mr. Stark! Our daughter has said great things about you, thank you for taking care of her." My father said, shaking Tony's hand. I had to just watch the whole scene unfold in complete shock. If someone had told me a few months—hell, even weeks ago that I would be watching my father and Tony fricking Stark being introduced to each other in my houses entrance hallway, I would have laughed at them and probably thrown a pillow in their face. But here I was, and it was very, very real.

"I'm glad to know she'd been speaking well of us, and really I should be the one thanking Miss Devoe. She is doing us a great favour by doing this—not many would have the courage to mingle with our team, especially after having watched all the movies, which I assume rely heavily on the fight scenes. She has already proven herself very helpful, and I'm sure thats something which is going to show itself quite often." I had to practically tune out his words of praise to stop myself from tearing up—unable to really comprehend the actual Iron Man was saying those things about me. Gods, I really had to get a check on my excitement, and fast. I scolded myself.

After my mum had exchanged a few words with Tony, the latter led my out of the building and I smirked at the sleek black convertible standing outside the front door. It was a shame I wasn't a car enthusiast, as I knew Tony's collection would have interested me a lot more if I had been—but I could tell the car was something fancy even if I wasn't the most knowledgeable on the vehicles. "Brought this to show off?" I asked jokingly as I hopped into the seat beside Tony's.

The man looked my way feigning confusion, but he couldn't hide his smile for long. "Trust me, I wouldn't be bringing the fancy ones out for a night ride, kid. Besides, I thought you would enjoy a ride in it."

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