Chapter : 44

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These days, Jungkook spends every morning in anxiety. He has become restless with suppressed anxiety. At the slightest noise in the main door, he runs to hear if anyone has come. The boy was changing day by day, very in different about eating. He does not even want to eat anything.

Even a few months ago, he was a quiet boy, but he was very interested in doing household chores, but now he has no enthusiasm for anything. But he is very interested in opening the main door, he repeatedly goes to the main door smiling and comes back with a somber face.

Everyone in the house understands the reason for such behavior. 2 months have passed as Taehyung had gone. The elder called and said that he is fine and will never return home or even in Korea.

Jungkook's health hasn't been doing well for some days. He is feeling a pressing pain in the stomach. This symptom is new to him. A sharp pain in the stomach occurs when one is worried about something. It seems necessary to see a doctor soon, but time is not passing. It would be wrong to say that he himself isn't going for the doctor.

A new morning started like everyday. Around 7 am, everyone is sleeping in their respective rooms except Jungkook. He doesn't feel sleepy now, so he got up and put on a white dress, combed his long curly hair, and then wrapped a thin cream colour sweater on his body.

 He doesn't feel sleepy now, so he got up and put on a white dress, combed his long curly hair, and then wrapped a thin cream colour sweater on his body

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As soon as Jungkook was going to open the main door, Hoseok said in a surprising voice,

--- Where are you going..?

Jungkook nervously shifted from his place and replied,

--- Just in the nearby street..

--- What's on the road..?

--- Nothing...I will just walk a little to get some fresh.

--- Didn't you say that you are not feeling well..? It's pretty cold outside now, don't go anywhere.

Hoseok didn't understand whether Jungkook didn't listen to his words or avoided him on purpose as the boy walked out slowly without saying anything.

Today, after so many days, Jungkook saw the light of dawn's. How long he did not go out of the house he does not remember..? The sun is just peeking out, and everything is blurry around in this half winter season. The road is empty with foggy cold weather. There isn't even a single human being in the road when Jungkook stepped up. In other times, it would have been difficult for people to walk, but now it's empty and quiet as everyone is peacefully sleeping in this cold winter season.

 In other times, it would have been difficult for people to walk, but now it's empty and quiet as everyone is peacefully sleeping in this cold winter season

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