Fresh Start

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Finally got back to the place I haven't seen in years, London.

After what happened in America, coming back here was like a fresh start...

I hopped of the plane, grabbed my luggage and waited for my big brother Josh to pick me up
."Come on, Josh! I've been waiting for an hour for you!" I screamed at him on the phone. "I'm sorry, sis. You know there's a lot of traffic here and i can't do anything about it." Josh replied. "So where are you now?" I asked. "Wait... I see something" he told me. "What?. I suddenly feels arms tickle me. I jumped and looked behind me about to scream to whoever did that. Then I realized it was Josh... He was laughing his head off with his blogging camera pointing at himself. He finally stood up straight and smiled " Hey sis..." He pointed the camera at me. "Don't do that! You scared the crap out of me!" I slapped his arm. He chuckled "Oh, get over here..." He hugged me. "Nice too see you again, Joshua..." I hugged him back. "You too, Sis. Now let's get back so I could introduce you to the lads." He told me. I picked up my luggage and headed to his car. I'm going to the "Sidemen Headquarters". I've seen the boys Josh's videos. Anyways, ever since I was 14 I've been living in America. I havent seen Josh in 5 years! Since Josh knew I was looking for another job in this area, he invited me to live with him and his friends.

I was so jet lagged on the way there.
" Yo, sis, wake up...Y/N... Come on get up!" He shook me.
"Okay, okay, I get it... I'm up" I grumbled.

He then introduced me to the boys and they toured me around the house. They're really nice... And funny.

Then Josh and I started to unpack.
Simon came running out.
"Josh your phones ringing!"
"Okay, I'll get it!"
He passed by Simon "would you mind helping Sabrina out til' I get back?"
"Sure" Simon smiled.
He ran over to me and helped.
"So, Y/N... What brings you to London?"
"I wanted to get another job, and be an artist or something..."
I tried to carry a heavy box.
"You sure you can carry that?"
He asked
"Yup, I got it..."
I struggled to move.
"Yeah, Nope. Gimme that" he chuckled as he took the box from me
I smiled. I picked up another box and the bottom flaps burst open. And everything fell out... *sighs* and my Xbox. Great.

We both rushed to pick all of them out an put them in another empty box. There was a controller left on the ground.

We both reached for it. Our hands were touching, we both looked up at each other. Both our faces bright red. I took the controller as we stood up.

"H-here you go" he handed it to me

All of a sudden Josh come out.
We both stopped and quickly face him.
"Okay I'm done... You could get back to your Pack Opening, Simon"
"Okay..." He walked back in
"Thanks, Si"
"No worries..." He left.

Then Josh looked at me. "Okay what happened"
"What do you mean?"
"Both of you must have done something while i was gone..."
He grinned. "Youuuu like him" he sang.
"Shut up!" I punched his arm.
"But seriously, what happened?"
"What makes you think something happened?"
"Come on you were stuttering, your face was as red a tomato and you keep smiling around him...You must like him" he picked a box up.

"Well, I dont...and my face wasnt red" I said. He went in side "Your face is still red!" I covered my cheeks.

What happened between me and Simon? Do I really like him? Does he like me back?

Never mind...

I snapped back to reality, picked up a box and unloaded.

Starting Over v.2// a miniminter FFWhere stories live. Discover now