The Return Of Tears

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I woke up to find myself in Simon's room. I didn't remember getting here, well to be fair I was half-asleep. The only thing I remember was when Simon said "I love you". He was still sleeping, his arms wrapped around me. I gently rubbed his cheek and kissed his forehead. I heard him groan as he pulled me even closer and hugged me. "Good morning..." I smiled. He opened his eyes and smiled "Goodmorning..." He nuzzled his head on my shoulder as he closed his eyes again. "Come on, Si... Let's get up..." I chuckled. "Not just yet, please..." He groaned. I chuckled "Fine, then I'll get up..." I tried untangling myself from his arms. He stopped me and tried to pull me in again "No...Stay with me..." He pulled me back down. "Simon, come on... I have to get up or Josh will find out" I said. "He was drunk yesterday and said he might be asleep in his room all day" he replied. "But I still have to get up..." I told him. "No..." He was still hugging me.
"No... Your staying here with me"
"Come on... Pretty please?"
"Fine..." He groaned as he loosened his grip and allowed me to get up. I kissed his forehead "See you downstairs..." I opened the door. "Yeah, if I could get up..." He replied as I laughed.

I went downstairs and was on my phone. Then a random number texted me "Hey, babe! It's me Brian... Heard you hooked up with another loser... Why don't you just forget him, come back home, and make it just you and me again? ;)". I already felt violated, it was my ex, Brian. I sighed and quickly replied "After what you've done?! Hell no! Are you mad?! I'm not a fucking idiot anymore! I know how you play... You fucking cheated on me, and I forgave you. Then I catch you trying to do it again and you break up with me for going through all your shit?! You fucking used me! You don't have the right to do it to me again! Your full of bullshit! Simon isnt a loser, he's one of the best people on the planet...he's nothing like you, I know he loves me and he won't cheat on me...Now leave me the hell alone..."

Why does he do this? After all he put me through? After all the tears and pain? Does he expect me to drop everything I have now, go back to him and be used again? I may have made a mistake before, but he's not going to do this to me again...

Then he replied "Oh, Y/N... I know where you are...You don't think I know what you've done? All the crap you did while you were here? You can't hide behind big brother Josh anymore... He's going to know who you really are, and what you've been doing while you were away...Aren't you a "famous" YouTuber now? You have more than 1 million people watching you dont you? Let me tell you this again, Bring your ass back here and forget all of the shit you have there! I can just tell the whole world about what you've done... Then you'll lose everything, and no one will be there to care for you... Not even your brother, Josh... Or your precious "Simon". Now, its your choice... You stay there and I tell the whole world your secret or you come back here and I'll never tell anyone again...". My face dropped... I was being blackmailed, I can't believe that I didn't expect that this would happen. My past just coming back to bite me in the ass... Brian always used that card against me, until he broke up with me and soon went to jail for drugs. I hoped that him being in prison could help start over again, It did but it's happening all over again... But it's worse, I lose all the other people I love... And no one else would be there... I can't believe it... He's back...

I felt like crying, I put my phone down, slammed my fist against the table in frustration and buried my face in my hands, trying to figure out what the heck I'm going to do... "Why?! Why does this keep happening to me?!" I growl. I feel my eyes start to tear up...I kick the table and let out a scream of anger.

Vikk's POV
Done! 6 am... Time to sleep. But before that... Food. I went down stairs to get an apple when I hear something slam and hear a voice shout 'Why?! Why does this keep happening to me?!'. I stopped, is that Y/N? What happened? Then I hear another slam followed by another scream. I can't hold it in, I have to go check on her... I walked in to the kitchen to see Y/N with her face covered by her hands, she looked up at me and I noticed she had a sad face and she looked like she was crying... "Y/N, are you okay?" I walked over to her "What happened?" I continued as I looked her up and down.

She faced me and wiped her eyes, pretending it never happened. "Nothing nothing, everything is fine... Nothing happened.. Nothing serious happened" she told me. Liar. Whenever she lies she says things twice and repeatedly clenches her fist... And that's exactly what she's doing now. I held both her hands
"It doesn't look like its not a serious problem"
"No, Vikk... Its not serious... Its not"
"Y/N, your lying I can tell...Please...Please, tell me what's going on"
I could see her tear up again
"I-I can't tell you..." She cried.
"Why not?"
"I-I'm sorry, Vikk... I j-just can't let you know" she snatched her hands from me and ran away from me.

Then I hear her phone buzz, I walk over to see who it is... It was a number saying 'if I find out you told anyone else about this... I'll get rid of them...'.

Oh god... Was this the thing she didn't want to tell me? Poor thing, she's being threatened. I looked at their earlier messages and was completely shocked... So this Brian guy... Im assuming he was an ex... But what did she do? Why does this guy want her to leave so badly?

She's like my sister... I'm not going to let her suffer through this, I'm not going to leave her alone to battle with this maniac. I need to help her, whether she wants me to or not.

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