Anniversary Gone Wrong?

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I woke up to someone kissing my face.
"Happyyyyy Anniversarrrrryyyyyyyyy....." Simon smiled.
I gave him a quick kiss.
"Happy Anniversary, Babe." I hugged him.
"Come on, wake up."
"Okay let me just pu-"
"You look beautiful without make up and fancy clothes, let's go."
"Simon, I don't--"
"Oh my god. Your so slow. Let's go already!"
"What are you doing?"
He picked me up bridal style.
I screamed.
"Let's go!" He said smiling and laughing bringing me out the room.
I laughed the whole way.

He brought me to the kitchen.
He put me down.
"Close your eyes." He said.
"Okay." I closed my eyes.
He held my hands.
"Now follow me..." I was lead forward.

"Open them..."
I opened my eyes.
"Happy Anniversarrrrryyyyyyyyy!!!!!"

There was a pastel blue cake with pretty decorations, colorful balloons, flower petals, confetti, presents, and most importantly the people I love the most.

"Oh my god. You guys!" I covered my mouth.
I hugged them.
"I love you guys! Thank you so much!!!" I said.
"We love you too." They said.

I gave them individual hugs this time, putting in as much love as I can.

I hugged Ethan.
"You deserve this, Y/N. Happy Anniversary to you and Simon." He said
"Thank you, Behz." I smiled

I hugged Tobi.
"I hope you have a good time, we spent a lot of time on this. I spent hours on that cake. I didn't even get help from my mum" He pointed
"... Are you proud of me?" He said in a baby voice
I chuckled. "Thank you, Tobi. I'm sure the cake will taste amazing. Yes, I am proud of you" I patted his head as we both laughed.

I hugged Harry.
"Have fun, Y/N."
"I will, Harry." I smiled.
"Not too much fun." He said smiling
I laughed.
"Yeah, whatever." I messed his hair up.

I hugged Vikk.
"We're very lucky to have you, Y/N."
"I'm very, very, very lucky to have you guys." I smiled.
"It's nice to see that smile again."
"Thank you so much, I love you, Bro."
"Anything for you, sis."

Oh god, JJ was next.

I saw him smiling, jumping up and down, waving his arms, screaming "me next! Me next!"

I walked over to JJ.
"Oh my god, my baby's growing up..." He said in a sassy mother voice.
I stood there laughing.
"Oh my god, look at you honey pie..." He said tucking a piece of hair behind my ear.
He fanned his eyes.
"All grown up...."
"Come here, momma..." I chuckled
He hugged me and rubbed the back of my head.
"My baby... Ooh honey, have fun... But not too much fun, if you know what I mean." He grinned
"Momma!" I laughed
"Just kidding baby." He smiled
"Please tell me you recorded that." I asked the boys.
"Say hi to the camera." Tobi motioned to the camera on the counter.

I waved at it.

I walked over to Josh.
"Happy Anniversary to you, little sis."
"Thank you, big bro... For everything."
"I love you."
"I love you too."

"We'll leave you guys. Call if you need to." They left the room.

I went over to Simon, right before I got to kiss him, JJ's head popped in.

"Not too much fun!" He screamed in a high pitched voice
"Momma! What'd I say?"
"Mhhhmmm, I won't have too much fun..... Bullshit." He slowly walked away.

Simon and I laughed.
I kissed him.
"I love you so much, you know?" He said
"I love you just as much." I smiled

Then we started eating.
"Love the cake Tobi!" I shouted
"Yayyyyyyy!!!" I heard him shout
Then all their heads popped in.
"Can we have a piece?"
They all ran in and got a piece.
"Tobi's our new grandma!" JJ said
We laughed.
"Ooh, Ooh, can you make cookies?" Ethan asked
"I can try." Tobi said
"Sweeeeet." Ethan smiled
"You're so fat." Harry laughed.
"Leave him alone, Harry." I went over to Behz and gave him a hug.

He tried to make a hamster face.

"We love the gummy bear, just the way he is." I chuckled.

I sat back down.

Then JJ went towards the cake.
"Let me just. Let me just. I'll just." He took the cake and slowly walked away.

"My cake." Tobi said high pitched with a pouty face

Simon and I decided to go to where he asked me out.
The amusement park.

We went on the roller coaster.

It didn't feel the same though.

The ride started and we went around.

Right before we ended I saw a gap between the rails.
The didn't stop the ride. They couldn't.

Next thing I know I blacked out

So sorry.

Last cliffhanger I swear.

It's close to the end anyways.

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