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He pointed the gun at my head.

We heard a noise downstairs.
Brian smirked. "Looks like they're here."

I looked at him with eyes full of rage.

"Screw you, Brian."

He walked out the room and went looking for the boys.

Suddenly I look up.
"Simon. Josh. You guys." I saw them standing in front of me."
"What happened?"
They walked towards me.

I heard a click.
"She locked me in prison."
Brian stood behind them with a gun pointed at Simon.
"On the floor! Now!" He demanded.
The boys got down.

"So I'm assuming your Simon." He looked at Simon.
"Yeah.." He replied
"You're in love with this pathetic shit." Brian laughed

He pulled me and put me in front of them.
"No!" The boys screamed.
"I love you guys..." I said one last time

"A promise is a promise, doll face." Brian smiled

He cocked the gun and pointed it at me.
I closed my eyes tight.

I heard a loud bang.

I couldn't feel anything. As if I was never shot.

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