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I woke up the next day and wasn't sure if my kiss with Simon was a dream. I looked around for my phone, knowing that it wasn't there, it had to be in Simon's room. So I marched to Simon's room and knocked on his door. He came up to the door and smiled "Oh hey gorgeous..." He greeted me, I chuckled and looked at the ground "Morning, Simon..." I looked back at him. "Oh yeah, um I was wondering if I left my phone here..." I spoke up. "Yeah, it is... You forgot it last night." He opened the door to let me in. So it was real! Yes! He went to his desk grabbed my phone and handed it to me "Here...". "Thanks... I kinda thought our kiss last night was a dream or something" I told him. He looked at me confused "What kiss?". My face immediately turned red out of embarrassment. I stuttered "oh, um I-I--" . He smiled at me again "Just kidding, to be honest I kinda thought it was too". I returned to normal, I was relieved... Thank god I didn't embarrass myself. "Oh my gosh Simon, don't do that!" I punched his shoulder as he laughed "You frickin scared me...".

I joined the other guys at breakfast and a few minutes later Simon comes in."Hey guys!" He sat next to me and smiled. The dudes all greeted him back and Harry came in "Hey lads! And lady..." He looked at me as I giggled "You ready to go? The others are waiting outside" He continued. Confused I looked back at the boys and JJ spoke up, "Speaking about that, in celebration of Y/N being here, I wanted to bring the Sidemen and some other friends to an amusement park." I smiled "Awww, you guys are so sweet, thank you for this...".

There were awww's, and oh stop it's.We all agreed, got up and got ready to go. I wore the white sidemen T-shirt, skinny jeans, a gray jacket and gray converse sneakers. We all got in the bus that they rented just for today and went to the amusement park. The Sidemen, Lewis (Vikk's brother) Callux, Calfreezy, Ashley, Deji, Joe Weller, Joe Sugg,Caspar, Zoella and Alfie were going too. I met them all a few days back after I was introduced to the sidemen and moved into the house. After we shot the football video, the guys threw me a party with all the youtubers in the UK that could make it. I entered the bus "Hey guys!" I screamed with my hands up... "Heyyy!!!" They screamed back. "Zoe!" I screamed as she ran towards me "Hi!" She said as she hugged me. I went around the bus hugging and greeting the others. And I sat in the back with Simon and Vikk.

A few minutes later, Simon, Vikk and I were asleep in the back. Vikk, man he was like my best friend... He was so nice, but I still like Simon. I fell asleep on Simons shoulder, he fell asleep on my head, and Vikk was asleep on my other shoulder. They all pulled out their cameras and took pictures, put it on twitter with captions like 'the 2 love birds... And the 3rd wheel'.

Everyone was vlogging on the trip, except me they told me they want me to relax and forbid me to vlog. They said they would give me all their clips so I could at least make a video.

A few minutes later we got to the amusement park. We all piled up on the water raft ride thingy, I sat with Ashley, Zoe, Freezy and JJ. Then when got to the part where people get to spray us with water, the rest of them were there laughing and filming. Simon and Josh were spraying at Me, Zoe, and Ashley we all just screamed and hugged each other. And well Louis and Alfie were spraying at Freezy laughing and Harry and Vikk were spraying JJ which actually hit him right at the eye "Ow! Ow! My eye! It got in my eye! It got in my eye!" He screamed and covered his eye as the others laughed.

We went on all the rides and we had 2 more rides left. We went on the rollercoaster. We filled up all the slots, Simon and I sat all the way at the back. The rollercoaster had some problems,so we had to wait a while.And keep this in mind I was scared of rollercoasters. I started shaking and breathing nervously. Simon was vlogging looked at me "Scared of rollercoasters, huh?" He asked. "Yep, petrified..." I replied. "Dont worry, its gonna be fine..." He tried to calm me down. He stopped vlogging. "Really?" I looked at him still scared. "Yeah, I'm here with you... Look, if your that scared..." He held my hand "You can hold my hand..." I smiled and I swear that I turned red. "Aww your blushing" he smiled at me. I covered my face with both my hands and mumbled "No, I'm not...". Simon took my hands away from my face, held my hand and intertwined our fingers and looked at me " Its fine... I think it's cute..." He smiled. Then the rollercoaster hissed. The operator shouted "Okay guys! We got everything fixed! You ready to go?". Everyone responded " Yes!". I looked at Simon with a scared face and he nodded. "I'm here with you..." He said as I squeezed his hand tighter. Then the rollercoaster started moving. And I wasn't nervous at all the whole ride because Simon was there. We were going on our second round, I looked at Simon "this is fun!" I screamed as he smiled back "I know!". We got off and i had to let go of Simons hand, which really sucked. We were walking out when Josh put his hand around my shoulder " Hey sis! You okay? Did you get over your fear?" He asked. "Yeah! It was actually really fun!" I smiled. "Great! I'm happy for ya sis!" He rubbed my shoulder. "Josh!" Simon called. "Gotta go, again happy for you..." Josh said before running towards Simon.

Simon's POV
I called Josh over to tell him, "what's up?" He asked. "I'm gonna ask her out today... I just needed to make sure I told you so you wouldnt kill me" I told. "Yes, but don't you dare hurt her, Simon. Please take care of her" Josh replied. "I won't hurt her, I promise...I'll take care of her..." I told him. "Then good luck, buddy..." He patted my back.

Your POV
So we had one ride left, so were on our way to the Ferris Wheel. While we were walking Simon came up to me "Hey, Y/N so hows your day going on so far?" He asked smiling. "Great, Simon... Thank you for helping me get over my fear of rollercoasters" I smiled back. "Yeah, no worries. So do I get a reward?" He asked. "Yeah, Sure...What do you have in mind?" I asked him. He held my hand, "I get to hold your anytime I want" he smiled. I turned red... Again "S-sure... I'm o-okay with that" I stuttered. "Oh look, your cheeks are red" He looked at me, I looked to the ground and couldnt help but smile. He put his finger on my chin, lifted my chin up and made me face him. "You don't have to hide... Its adorable" he said. What was weird is that nobody is noticing this.

We finally got to the rollercoaster and of course everyone made Simon and I get in the same cart or seat or something. At this time we were still holding hands and I didn't want to let go.

Simon's POV
Okay, so its time to ask her. "Zoe....

Are you ready?" I asked. "Yeah, it working perfectly so far, Simon... Good luck" she patted me on the back and got in the same cart as Alfie. Then I got in the same cart as Y/N. She didn't want to let go of my hand, she was so adorable... I felt really nervous... But I had to do this

Your POV
Simon and I got in the same cart and just kept talking. Then he held my other hand and looked at me "Simon?"
"Um, Y/N I wanted to ask you something..."
"Yeah?" At this point my heart was beating rapidly
"Um, ever since these past few weeks... I've never had so much fun...and I really like you... So, will you be my girlfriend?" Simon asked.
"But Simon, how about Jo-"
"I already got that covered, I asked him for weeks and weeks and well the day you told him to stop treating you like a little girl, he told me I could be your boyfriend."
"You asked him for weeks?"
"Yeah, cause that's how much I wanted to be with you..." He looked at me and gently smiled. My heart just melted
"So, be my girlfriend?"
"Finally" I said as I quickly stood up and kissed him. He drew back "is that a yes?" He asked. I smiled,"maybe this will answer your question..." I kissed him again. "Yep" he pulled me back in and kissed me.

A few minutes later we drew back and got out the cart. The others were all waiting for us pointing their cameras at us. "Did it work?" They all asked at the same time.Simon put his arm around me "Say hello to my new girlfriend" Simon announced. The whole group cheered, JJ came closer "Oh my god! Look at them!" He pointed the camera at each of our faces. "Boyfriend and girlfriend..." JJ chanted as we all laughed. "Oh my god! They're even holding hands!" he pointed the camera at our hands. "So wait... What just happened?" I asked. "Yeah Simon, what just happened?" JJ pointed the camera at Simon. "Well I set this all up, these guys wanted to see it so they came and played along. I have cameras everywhere, I asked the park if I could record it. Everything we did today, was so I could as you to be my girlfriend." "So this was all your idea?" I asked. "Yep..." He smiled. Then I kissed Simon on the cheek the others went like 'oooohhh' and JJ record it, which I didn't really mind.

We all went to play different games that night at the carnival. We all split up, some of the boys went around the park challenging people, while the rest just played the other carnival games. Simon won me a stuffed bear and some cotton candy. Then we we all got back together ate dinner, went to the mirror house, and all rode the mechanical bull, You'd be surprised at how long Joe Sugg and Alfie could stay on. Then we all got into the bus and all went home. Lewis, being the nice man he is, returned the bus. We all went into our rooms and just slept, before Simon went to sleep I gave him a kiss and went to sleep too.

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