Making the Deal

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I was playing a FIFA game with Simon when my phone buzzed.

Brian.... Its time.

"I gotta get this babe..."
I kissed Simons forehead and headed downstairs."

I opened the text
'Hey, sugar. 4 days..."

I replied.
'Brian I don't think I could make it in 4 days'

'What do you mean?'

'I don't have enough money to get there, it will take me weeks to earn enough to get there, unless you want to send me money?' I replied, knowing he was too cheap and selfish to do that

'Hell no...' I grinned
'... I'll give you a month, your earning your own money'

'Will you stop bugging me then?'

'No, not until you get here'


Yes! It worked! I ran to Vikks room
"It worked!" I ran and hugged him
"Yes!" He smiled.

"Y/N, come on hurry up!" Tobi shouted as we got ready to go to the arcade again.

"I'm coming, I'm coming..." I grabbed my burgundy jumper and put it on, running down the stairs.

"You invited everyone?"
I asked Vikk
"Yeah. They're already there"
We invited the same group as last time.
"Let's go!" Harry ran outside as the rest of us followed, we got into our cars and drove to the arcade.

Well, we did pretty much the same thing as last time...
Dancing with Ashley, Chasing Joe Sugg with a toy hammer, pulling Harry away from the crane and stuff like that.

I played the FPS game with Vikk... And well, I lost... Not a surprise, he's been playing shooting games since he was 14.

Then we had a little meet up, no wait, a huge meet up and had dinner later.

But Brian wouldn't stop texting me ever since we made that deal, and its starting to piss me the fuck off.

Simons POV
Today is great, all I could see was smiles, all I could hear was laughter... And I had my girlfriend by my side... Who loves me

Thats what I thought at first...

At the table...
Y/N's phone buzzed.
"I gotta get this..." She got up and went outside.

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