Taking the Bullet.

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After I heard the bang I opened my eyes.
"No!!!!" I screamed
Tears immediately came streaming out my eyes.

Simon was there, on the ground over a pool of blood, with a bullet in his chest.

He took the bullet for me.

I ran over to him and embraced him.
"Simon, don't go please. Come on, stay with us."
"I don't know if I can...." He said weakly
"Why did you do that?!"
"Because..." He started to go

"No, Simon. Don't go, You go this."
"Because... I...."
I looked over to the boys, who had the most heart broken faces on.
"Love you..."
"Oh my god..."
I buried my face in his chest.
"I love you too... So please don't go...." I cried.

"Aww, how sweet..." Brian sarcastically said.
I quickly got up.
"You bastard!" I tackled him and started punching him with all my might.

I was pulled away by cops.
"That's enough ma'am, we can handle this." An officer said.
"Get an ambulance then! They shot my boyfriend!"
And with that the officers arrested Brian and rushed Simon to the hospital.

I got in the ambulance with him and held his hand the rest of the way. He didn't speak. I got worried.

Once we got in the hospital we went to the surgery room.

"Simon, it's me, Y/N. You'll be fine, okay?" I looked at him.
"Ma'am, we need you to stay out here--"
"But I'm his girlfriend."
"I'm the surgeon, and right now this man has a bullet a quarter inch from his heart. He'll be fine, just give me 5-6 hours." The surgeon said before running away.

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