Just The Both Of Us

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I can't believe it! Simon just asked me out, I'm his girlfriend! I sat up, smiled, rubbed my eyes and got up. I grabbed my phone and went down stairs with my black shorts and "Sweet dreams" T-shirt being my pajamas.

As I walked towards the kitchen, I noticed something... That's weird, where's all the chatter? I checked my phone it was 9 am. The boys are usually up at this time, eating and fooling around. I stepped into the kitchen to see Simon finishing up washing the dishes. "Goodmorning, babe" Simon greeted me. "Babe? I like the sound of that..." We both chuckled. He turned around "God, you still look beautiful in your pajamas..." He complimented me. I chuckled, looked at the ground and walked over to him. I raised my head up and hugged him. "Morning, baby" I chuckled and kissed him. He kissed me back "I could get used to this" he chuckled. I smiled and headed to the counter to get an apple. "Oh yeah! Do you know where the rest of the boys are?" I turned to look at Simon. "Oh, Josh and JJ went to an interview or something, while Vikk went to see his minecraft friends that he just found out visited a few days ago." Simon replied. I looked at my phone to see that Josh sent me a message saying 'hey sis! I wanted to tell you I was going to Brighton with JJ for an interview, but you were asleep. I'll be back tomorrow :)   Also JJ said Hi!'.  And one just right now from my best friend, Vikk saying 'Hey, Y/N! Hope you had a great morning. You were asleep when I was on my way out. I'm gonna spend the day with Preston, Rob, Lachlan, Jerome, and Mitch. I just found out they were visiting. I wont get back til' tomorrow, so the Minecraft videos with you are going to have to wait. Sorry... Anyways see ya til' then'. "Oh yeah, they did... I just got messages from Josh and Vikk." I told Simon. "Cool, since they're not here wanna film a Q&A this afternoon?" He asked as he sat down opposite of me and used his phone.
"Yeah sure... The fans really like it don't they?"
"Like it? They love it!" Simon shouted as I giggled and try to keep the the bits of apple from escaping my mouth.
"This maybe a little too fast but... Do you think we can announce were together in the Q&A?"
"Yeah, that's what I was thinking earlier"
"Awesome! Can't wait!" I said as I walked towards him, gave him a quick hug and a peck on the cheek "I'll be in the other room watching TV" I said as I exited.

I replied to Vikk's text 'Nah, its fine... I get how it is, just do your thing...' I was typing until Vikk wanted to facetime, I accepted and saw Vikk in a fancy hotel room smiling. He was on his laptop
"Hey buddy!" I smiled.
"Hey Y/N! How are you?"
"Great! How about you?"
"Awesome! So--"
"Hey Vikk!" Simon waved at the camera over my shoulder
"Hey Simon!"
"So, enjoying your time with the Pack?" Simon asked
"Yeah, its pretty great..."
Simons's phone rang "Oh, its JJ... See ya later, Vikk" he went in the kitchen
"Yeah, you too, Si...So Y/N..." Vikk continued
"...Sorry that I can't record with you today, I feel bad"
"No, really Vikk its fine... Its not a big deal, just enjoy your time with the rest of ma' boys..." I giggled
"... Hey Vikk, could I just say hi to them"
"Okay, sure. Hey guys, Y/N's here!" Vikk pointed the camera at the rest of the boys who came running to the laptop.
"Hey guys!" I smiled
"Hey!" I could hear all of them say
"So how are ya?" Mitch asked
"Great, great...So, when did you guys get here?" I asked
"About 3,4 days ago" Lachlan replied
"So how long are you gonna guys stay here?"
"Maybe 3 more days..." Rob replied.
"Yeah, maybe you and Vikk could visit again and we could go hit the arcades" Preston told me
"Yeah, sounds great and we could even record videos or do live streams." I smiled
"Oh yeah, Y/N... I saw a clip Vikk recorded at the amusement park you guys went to and heard your now with Simon, is it true?" Mitch asked
"Yeah, it is" I blushed
"I frickin called it! Ha! I told you they'd end up together in the next video!" Mitch pointed at the rest of the boys except Vikk. They all groaned and laughed at the same time. I was laughing as Mitch said:
"In your faces! You guys all owe me 5 bucks! Pay up!" Mitch put his hand out. They all gave him 5 bucks as Vikk and I laughed our asses off.
"Oh yeah, she blushed when I asked her too, so that's one more dollar" Mitch added.
"No she didn't!" They all argued with Mitch.
"Vikk, you saw her blush right?"
"Yeah, yeah she definitely did blush" Vikk replied
Wow, this was the best facetime EVER
They all groaned and gave him one more dollar.
"Dang it, Rob! Did you have to be that specific" Jerome laughed and playfully punched Rob
"Sorry dudes, I didn't she would actually blush" Rob laughed
"Ohh god, did I really just lose 6 dollars to Mitch" Jerome covered his face
"I asked if you wanted in, but you didn't believe it would happen, so ha!" Mitch teased Jerome
"Oh my god! I got $24 for betting on the obvious! I'm rich!!!" Mitch chanted as he danced around.
"Um, personal question... Have you guys went on a date yet?"  Preston asked
"Not yet" i replied shaking my head
"Vikk told me only you two were the only ones there, so you guys gonna go on one?" He continued
"I don't know, Simon?!"
"Since the others arent here, are we gonna go on a date?!"
"Yeah! Great idea!"
"Wow, thanks guys you just landed me a date" I joked
"Yes! I am now Cupid Preston!" Preston shouted as we all laughed
"Wow, Vikk you should have recorded this..." I laughed
"I actually did..." Vikk chuckled
"No... Dude you got to give me that clip so I could upload this" I told Vikk
"Great idea, so you could show the internet what stupid mistakes these guys made"Mitch said as we all laughed
" You're never gonna let this go, are you?" Lachlan asked Mitch who was counting his money again.
"Nope..." He said laughing
"I'll give the clip to you when I get back home" Vikk said
"Anyways, I have to go guys, its been fun talking to you guys... By the way you guys just won the award for the best facetime call EVER" I smiled. They all laughed
"Anyways, love you guys! Hugs! Bye!" I smiled at them one last time.
"Love you too! Bye!" they all said at the same time which freaked me out a bit.

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