Last Day.

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I woke up and found myself in Simons embrace.

I guess were back together again.

I kissed him. I thought he was asleep, but he kissed back. He put his hand on the back of my head.

"Morning babe..."
"Hey baby" he smiled.

He kissed me slowly and gently.

He looked at me in the eye

"Im really going to miss you..."
"I'm really going to miss you too..."
"I don't have to leave until midnight."
"We'll make every second count." He hugged me

Later I spent a few hours with the boys...

It was now 2pm.

All 10 hours were just for me and Simon

We played with the rest of the boys at the park. (I mean, it wouldn't be fun without those guys...)

Then Simon took me out to dinner.
" I can't believe you'll been gone for 9 months..." He put his arm around me as we walked back in the house.
"Yeah... I wish I could have spent more time with you, babe" I leaned on him.

We got to the kitchen when I saw a note.
"Hey babe, they left a note!" I called Simon, I sat on the counter
"We let you guys have the house for the rest of the night. We're out at the arcade. Call if you need to." Simon read.

He walked over to me

"So I guess we have the house all to ourselves..." He grinned and put my arms on his shoulders.
I leaned my forehead on his, teasing him.
"Wonder what we could do?" I looked at him
"I may have an idea..." He grinned and kissed me

"I love you, Baby..." He kissed me
"I love you too, babe" I gave him another kiss.

Then it was 12 o clock all of my friends came with me to the airport to bid me goodbye.

I say all my goodbyes and walked to the terminal.

Hello Australia.

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