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Brian... That nasty, two timing, bastard.

"Hey, doll face. When are ya getting here? You better get here real quick or the whole 'sidemen' are gonna get it, and that means you too, sweetheart. You know what I can do..."

I groaned, trying not to wake up Simon I sat up and covered my face. I can't take this anymore... I teared up. I want this to be solved. You know what's bad? I can't even tell my own boyfriend about it. Not anyone. Except Vikk.

I got up and I wiped a tear that escaped my eye. I needed a break, I went downstairs to get a glass of water.

I got a glass of water, leaned against the counter and took a sip. Then he texted me again, Why won't he stop harrasing me will he? "You know the consequences... You go it 5 days baby"

I kicked the chair and started to cry. Until...

I heard the door behind me open, I quickly stopped, wiped my eyes as my head turned to the door.

"Babe, are you okay?"
I ran towards him, I need him. He's been keeping me sane for the past few days. I hugged him and started crying.
"Babe, what's wrong?"
"I wish I could tell you..." I sobbed, as I tightened my grasp
"Well... Whatever it is, I'm here for you. Just ask."
He pulled me back and wiped away my tears.
"I promised you... That I'd never leave you, and I'll be here for you no matter what." He continued.

"I love you..." I smiled
"I love you too..." He wiped away one of my tears.
"Now let's go back to bed..."
"Uhuh..." I hugged him as he brought me back upstairs.

Then we were in bed, he was holding on to me. I couldn't sleep, all I could think about was what I was going to do. I would have to say goodbye without anyone knowing what I was doing, or where I was going. Then when they're all asleep, I go. It made a tear fall from my eye, the thought of leaving the people who've been like the best family for the past months, and the love of my life, Simon.

I finally got back to sleep. The next thing I know was seeing me and Simon fighting. Hearing our voices shouting,
Si: "I can't believe you!"
Y: "Let me explain!"
Si: "I though you actually loved me!"
Si: "Your leaving me?!"
Y: "Do you know how much this means to me?!"
Si: "I don't care! Were over!"
Then he walked away
Y: "You promised you wouldn't leave me!"
He stopped and turned around
Si: "Some promises are meant to be broken..."

"Y/N! Y/N!"
I woke up... It was just a dream
"It was just a nightmare..."
"Are you okay? What happened?"
Tears fell from my eyes as I explained to him.
"Y-you and I w-were fighting, and screaming at each other. And-and y-you broke up with m-me and I-"
He held my shoulders,
"I promised, I'd never leave you..."
I just sat there looking in Simon's eyes, trying to figure out what to say

"You wanna try to sleep again?"

And this time, I really couldn't sleep thinking of that nightmare. What if they really happened? The nightmare keeps flashing back up over and over and over.

I tried sleeping again, and memories of abusive Brian came flashing up, and visions of Brian hurting Simon.

He texted me again "Don't try anything sneaky... I got back up just in case, I know how you are. Remember, pull anything stupid and Simon will get it."

Simon fell asleep, this was my second time going downstairs.

Vikk's POV
Ugh, oh my god! I've been up for hours! And I still haven't made a plan to fix Y/N's problem!

I kicked the chair, and slapped the empty water bottle of the counter and burried my face in my hands. " Ugh! Why does he have to do this to her?! What am I gonna do?!"

All of I sudden I hear a muffled voice "Vikk?"

Oh shit. Here they come.

It was Y/N, she opened the door. She wiped her eye, ran towards me and hugged me. I hugged her back, as she started crying.

"Y/N, what's wrong?"
"Vikk... H-He k-keeps coming b-back..." She sobbed
"What did he say this time?" I felt pissed.
She gave her phone to me as I read the messages.
"Y/N, this is it!" I pulled her back
"We have to tell the others, its the only way that would help!"
"No, I can't!" She cried
"Then what are we going to do?"
"I've already made a plan, I'm going to leave while they're asleep, the night after tomorrow night."
"No..." I started tearing up.
"I have to..."
"No! Y/N, you can't leave! Please! We love you very much! Let us help!"
"Vikk, I cant risk telling anyone! Its the only way! I can make sure you guys will be safe..."
I hugged her.
"I know its gonna hurt very much, but its my problem and I have to finish it." She hugged me back.
I started crying and so did she.
"I love you, sis..."
"I love you, bro..."

I can't believe it had to end this way...

...Maybe it's not the end

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