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3 months gone.

I finished packing.
"You ready?" Nicki came in my room.
I picked my luggage up and followed Nicki to her car.

She drove me to the airport.
"See ya later, Y/N..."
"You too, Nix"
I gave her a hug and walked to the terminal.

'Okay guys! As some of know Simon and the boys played a prank on me and planned a surprise visit... Right now I'm on my way to London... Time for revenge.'

15 minutes until landing.

I called Josh.
"Hey, Joshua."
"Hey sis!"
"Is Simon in the house?"
"No, he's at the park."
"Good! I sent you a little surprise!"
"What is it?"
"Cone on, Josh its a surprise."
"Alright I'll wait."
"Okay, tell the boys I say hi. Bye Josh"
"Alright, Bye"

Later, I got off the plane.
I called Zoe and Alfie to pick me up.

"Y/N!" Zoe was runnung towards me with arms wide open.

I hugged her.
"Hey Zoe!"
"I missed you!"
"I missed you too!"
Alfie walked toward us.
"Alfie! How are you, buddy?"
I hugged him.
"Great. We really missed you."
"I really missed you guys too."
"So, hows the job?" They asked.
"Awesome. Oh yeah, I got you guys these."
I pulled out 2 stuffed koala bears and koala chew toy.
"One each for both of you and one for Nala."
"Aww, these are cute!" Zoe smiled.
"Sick!" Alfie looked at the doll
"Nala's gonna love this." Alfie smiled.
"Thank you, Y/N" both of them hugged me.

Then they drove me to the house.
"See you at the party!" I waved them goodbye.
"Bye Nala!" I patted her head.
"Bye guys! Wait-- you guys set the cameras up right?"
"Thank you guys. Love you both." I hugged them and drove off

I walked to the front door.
I called Josh.

Josh's POV
Y/N called.
"Hey sis!"
"Hey! Get my surprise yet?"
"Nope, not here yet I guess."
"Okay I want all of you to be at the same room."
I heard the doorbell ring.
I called all the boys.
We all went downstairs.
"I wonder what it is." I opened the door.

Sabrina's POV
"Surprise." I smiled and did jazz hands.
"Y/N!!!" He ran and hugged me.
The rest of the boys followed screaming and gave me a group hugged.
"Missed you guys too." I smiled.

Then we went inside and talked.
"Tobi, I'm filming this... Mind being the camera man?"
"No not at all." He smiled and took the camera.

I told them to go to the park and distract Simon and that's where I'll come in.

"Let's go boys!" We all ran outside.

Simon's POV
I was walking at the park, I've been there for at least an hour stepping in the fresh snow.

"Hey buddy!" I felt someone pat my back too hard.
It was JJ.
"Oww.' I chuckled.
The rest of the boys walked beside us.
"Why are you guys here?" I asked.
"We thought we'd join you..." Tobi smiled.
"Shit!" JJ slipped
We laughed.
"Great. Now my ass hurts." He stood up.

I felt a snowball hit my head.
"Hey Minter!"

I turned around.

Starting Over v.2// a miniminter FFWhere stories live. Discover now