Forget it... Just for a while.

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I woke up with Simon staring straight at me.
"Good morning..." He smiled.
I pecked his lips "Morning..."
"What time is it?" I sat up
"11:30" he sat up as well
He held my hand "Y/N, are you okay?"
I smiled "Yeah..."

Then we started editing and going on twitter. Once we were done with that, we didn't really have anything to do so we put on a random movie and just stayed in bed.

A few minutes later it was lunch time, We went to Nandos and got the whole group's usual order. I went up stairs to call Vikk

I knocked softly on his door
No reply.
"Vikk, sweetie its time for lunch..."
I let myself in, I saw him past out on his bed with a notepad beside him saying the words 'Sabrina, Solutions, and Brian' .

I love him so much, he's trying to help me out. He's been spending these past few hours trying to think of ways to help me....

I left his order next to him with a note 'love you so much, thanks... ' with a heart next to it (not in romantic way)

I went down stairs to join the rest of the boys.
"Vikk still up?" Simon asked
"Nah, fell asleep..."
"Dude, Vikks been up for hours, like nonstop. After 6 in the morning, he wasn't recording. I don't know what he was doing. I like knocked on his door at 9 and asked if he was up and still recording. He said he wasn't, then I told him to rest. He told me 'rest can wait, I need to figure something out' he sounded stressed." JJ said
"Mate, I hope he's okay" Ethan chimed in
"He'll be fine... I'll talk to him once he's awake..." I told them.

Few hours later...

12 pm and I still haven't seen Vikk yet, I mean he hasn't come out of his room yet.

"Okay, I am done uploading and editing!" Simon clapped his hands
"Great!" I smiled.
"Sooo... What do we now?"
I put both my arms out and opened and closed my fists "cuddle?" I said in my baby voice and smiled.
He chuckled "Sure... But first let me put something on"
He put on Netflix and put on a random TV show, then we cuddled.

Simon has been the best thats happened to me. He's loving and caring. He can make me forget about my troubles...

...Even just for a while

My phone buzzed at 3 in the morning, with an unsettling message.


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