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Vikks POV
I ran after her, and knocked on the bathroom door.
"Y/N, please come out... We need to talk..."
"No, Vikk... I can't"
"Y/N, you have to tell me about this Brian guy, what does he want?"
"How do you know about that?"
"He sent a message just right after you ran away"

She quickly opened the door an pulled me in. I saw her crying, she pulled me in for a hug and sobbed.

"Please don't tell anyone Vikk, please... Especially Simon... I don't want to lose him."
"Why not? This guys threating you"
"No, Vikk you don't what he's capable of doing"
"Y/N," I pulled her away, my hands on her shoulders and I looked her in her eyes
"I have to do something, you can't do this... Do you expect us to just sit back and watch this guy torture you?"
"Vikk, you don't understand, while I was there... I did bad things, I didn't tell anyone else about it."
"What are you talking about?"
"I..I-I..." she struggled to tell me what.

She cried a little "Okay, I--"
She got cut off by a knock on the door. "Vikk? Y/N? What are doing in there? You guys okay?" I could hear Josh on the other side of the door.

She looked at me with the 'what am I gonna do face' "Wha-"
I held on her shoulders "Don't worry, I'll handle him..."
I stood up and left her in the bathroom to see a Josh with a mad face and crossed arms.

"Josh, I-" I tried to tell him something until he pulled me a side
"What the hell are you doing?!"
I was confused "The hell your talking about?"
"She's with Simon! and your... Ehhh!" He started shaking his hands in the air and making weird hand gestures.
" know!"
"Josh, I'm not that kind of guy... She's cryi-"
"She's crying? What happened?" He reached for the doorknob
"No!" I stopped him.
"What do you mean, no?"
"She doesn't want see anyone yet, it's girl drama... It's nothing..."
"You sure?"
"Yes, but tell the guys to keep Simon busy and keep him away from her for now. I'm going to get her out the house... Make excuses if you have to.Whatever you do dont leave the house until we get back."
"Wait what did Simon do?"
"He didn't do anything, she doesn't want to hurt him or something like that."
"Enough, Joshua. No more questions, I'll answer them later."
"Okay, wait- aren't I supposed to be doing this? I'm her big brother!"
"Now calm down, Joshua"
"Don't call me that"
"Okay.... JOSH, for some other reason she doesn't want to talk to anyone else, not even Zoe or .... You"
"Wha- why?"
"Joshua, questions... Later."
He pouted at me
"Now shooooo..." I drove him away.
"Alright, alright I'm going"

I entered the bathroom and saw her crying again.
"Vikk, I-"
"Vikk, your the only one I want to see right now, I can only tell you... Please dont tell anyone else"
She stood up and hugged me.
"You wanna talk somewhere else?"
I felt her nod her head. I pulled her away and fixed her hair. She was still dressed from last night, good enough.
"Hold on..." I stuck my head out the door to see if anyone was there... Clear.
"Let's go..." I pulled her along and got in my car.
We drove to the woods, took the path I usually run on and sat down on a big rock.
"This okay for you?"
I held one of her hands, again not in a romantic way.
Then she told me everything. From Brian going to prison to keeping that secret from Josh.
"And that's pretty much it... I assume your going to tell the others how bad of a person I am, and just kick me out" a tear fell from her eye.
"Y/N, wasn't your fault. It was Brian, I understand the kind of choices you made, any person would do that in the kind of situation Brian put you in... I won't tell the other guys, and we are most definitely not kicking you out" I hugged her as she cried.
"Y/N, you know we all love you very much to do that to you. Were here to help, just ask."
"I'm sorry I kept it from you guys, you know I love you all so much. I just didnt want to lose you guys, you guys means so much to me. I just didnt want to be a shut out again."
I let her get it all out. We've sat there talking from like 6am to 9am, and we came home t like 4 last night. Then I drove her home...she fell asleep. Great.I tried to carry her in the house... I'm not that strong. I went inside to get Josh, I went in the living room to find all of the boys except Simon and Josh playing FIFA.
"Hey guys, did Josh tell you ab-"
"Where are they?"
"Simon's upstairs worrying, and Josh is buying some snacks at Nandos" Harry replied

Oh my god! I facepalmed myself. Really Joshua? Really?
"So can you guys help me wit-"
"No." They laughed
"Dickheads." I chuckled as I left the room and headed upstairs.

I knocked on Simon's door. He answered the door
"What did you do with her?"
"Nothing, I swear" I put both my hands up
"Oh thank god..." His head fell
"Why did she just..."
"I can't tell you... Sorry"
"Oh shit. Is it about last night..." He covered his face with both hands
"I knew it I was moving too f-"
"Simon. It has nothing to do with last night, I promise you."
"Then what is it? Why was she crying?"
"She told me not to tell anyone."
"Look, Simon. She's asleep in the car and... well-"
"You don't want to admit I'm stronger do you?"
"You want me to carry her up"
"Yes. Yes I do."
We both went downstairs and Simon carried her up. He put her down on his bed and let her rest.

I feel bad for her, all the pain and torture she went through. I can't let her be. We love her all too much to shut her out. How are we going to fix this? I went back to my room to think.

Simon's POV
I lay down next to her. I cleaned all her messy make up off, she always looked better without it. What could she be crying about? Its bugging me. Then she faced me without closing her eyes and cuddled up to me. I put my arms around her and she smiled.
"I feel safe around you" she muttered.
"Promise me you won't leave me..." She came in closer
"I won't. I promise you" I kissed her.
"I love you..."
I smiled "I love you too..."

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