Falling and Catching

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It was early morning when I heard a knock on the door.

"What?!" I grumbled as I bury my face into my pillow
"Wake up sis! I want shoot a football video with you, you gotta get up" Josh yelled
"But I need more sleep! I'm jet lagged remember?" I yelled back
"Please" Josh begged.
"Fine, I'm getting up" I finally sat up and opened my eyes

"Yo Josh?"
"Is breakfast ready yet?"
"Yeah, its waiting for you downstairs"

I got up took a shower, picked up my bag and changed into a burgundy Sidemen jumper that Josh gave me and skinny jeans. I headed to the door and put on my white converse sneakers. I opened the door and walked downstairs.

We had pancakes for breakfast and chatted about the football video we were going to shoot later.

"Okay guys, get ready we'll be going in 10 minutes" Josh said after we finished breakfast. I went to my room to change when Josh stopped me. "Here, use this Mesi jersey and these football cleats for the video." He handed me a pair of soccer cleats and a burgundy and blue stripped jersey. "Thanks" I smiled and headed into my room to change. I used the pair cleats, the Mesi jersey Josh gave me, and black shorts. I went to the living room to wait for the rest of them to get ready and gather all the equipment. I walked into the living room where Harry and Simon sat.

"Hey Y/N, I was wondering if you could be in our FIFA 15 video..." Harry asked as Simon smiled

"Sorry guys I'm not that interested in FIFA, and I'm just as bad as Vikk... I played with Josh a while back and well it wasn't pretty" I frowned

Both the boys frowned, Then Simon spoke up "How bout' GTAV?"

I smiled "Gladly..."

Ethan came in. "Okay guys, you ready?". We all stood up " Yep". They gathered all the filming equipment and loaded them in the car. We all piled up in the car and went to the soccer field.

When we got there the boys immediately got out the car and set up the cameras, we were doing that crossbar thingy.

"Hey guys! So today we are doing another crossbar challenge, but but but..." Josh waved his finger at the camera. " with a very special guest...My little sister, Y/N! And she has a YouTube channel which i will put in the description below...so go and check that out" He pulled me to his side, put his arm around me and shook me. "Hi!" I waved at the camera. " so, it's her first time playing this crossbar challenge so don't judge her" he pointed at the camera again and made a face. So we began, Josh of course went first, the Ethan , then Harry. Simon was up next, I gave him a pat on the back and smiled... He smiled back and got ready to kick the ball... Simon kicked the ball and... He did it! He hit the crossbar! I ran over to hug him while the others ran around screaming like a bunch of lunatics they are (still love' em though)

Oh no, its my turn next... I don't know why I was nervous but I was shaking and my heart was beating really fast then I felt someone hold my hand, I looked to see who it was... It was Simon, he was smiling back at me "its okay... You got this"
"Simon... Your making my heart beat even faster" I replied with a shaky voice. He chuckled " good luck..." He smiled. Our hands separated and I went towards the ball, hoped for the best and kicked it... I heard a clang... I hit it!!!!! Simon ran over to me, gave me a big hug and lifted me off my feet and spun me around, once he put me down the boys gave me a big group hug, screamed and started jumping at the same time. JJ was next... Not knowing how strong he kicks he kicked it into a tree. "I got it!" I screamed as I went to go get the ball. "You sure you don't need help?" Josh yelled."Nope, I got this!" I screamed back.

Simon's POV
"Simon, go help Y/N" Josh whispered to me. "But she said she could do it" I replied. "Come on man, just go help her" he told me. "Okay..." I ran after Y/N.

Your POV
I finally got the tree and looked for the ball, oh wow... JJ kicks really strong... Too strong just to hit the crossbar. I kept thinking of a way to get it down... No hope, It was too high up. "Need help?" A familiar voice made me jump. I turned around to find Simon, "Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you..." He apologized. "Nah, its fine... So did Josh send you help?" I replied as I tried to figure out a way to get the ball down. "Yeah" he looked at the ground. "Figures, *scoffs* never listens to me.." I said. "You know he's just looking out for you" he told me. "I know, but sometimes its just too much..." I told him. "Wait... Is that a vine?" He pointed at the vine hanging on a branch. "Yeah... It is... Maybe I could use it to get the ball..." I grabbed the vine and started climbing."Woah woah woah, Are you sure? That looks risky" Simon asked me. "Oh please, I've done this a million times, plus its the only way we could get it"." Okay then,please be careful..." Simon said. "Don't worry so much, I got this..." I smiled at him. I climb up the vine grab the ball and threw it down to Simon, right after I threw the ball down, The branch that held the vine snapped... I quickly closed my eyes, bracing myself for the hard impact of me slamming into the ground, but... I felt nothing. I opened my eyes and... I was in Simon's arms... He was carrying me, smiling and blushing... My cheeks turned red now... " you happy you got help now?" He smiled. I couldn't speak but I managed to get out "uhuh...". He put me down, and went to get the ball. I went towards him, hugged him and said " thank you, Simon..." He hugged me back. I pulled away... "Come on let's go get this ball back to the lads" I said. I gave him a kiss on the cheek and ran back to them, I could see he was shocked cause the second I pulled away he put on a surprised face and covered his cheek that I kissed him on, then he ran after me. We both got there and saw the boys talking, Josh was adjusting the camera. "Here ya go, Josh" I threw the ball to him. "Oh! You guys actually got it" he looked at the ball, I chuckled. "Woah woah woah, what happened back there?" He asked us both. "N-Nothing... A-Absolutely nothing" I replied shakily. "Then why you smiling and your faces red?" He asked. Harry chimmed in " Simon likes Y/N" he replied teasingly. "Shut up, Harry" Simon chuckled. " well, were tired from running and were happy we could finally get back to the game." Josh finally stopped squinting at me "Uhuh...Yeah sure, let's go with that". " Oh yeah, by the way, JJ you kicked that ball too hard... Just to hit the crossbar. I had to climb a frickin vine" I smiled at JJ. JJ laughed "haha, I'm sorry... I- I just can't control my strength, man" he smiled. Josh kicked the ball to JJ. "Hey, you know what would be kinda funny, if when she climbed the vine and it snapped... Simon caught her in his arms." Harry joked as all of them laughed except for me and Simon, we were laughing nervously and looking at each other, hoping that harry didn't see what happened and was just joking. The rest of the game continued and we went home after we went to Nandos.

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