BONUS CH. : Miniminter Imagine

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December 31, 2015:
"Come on, Y/N!" Y/N's best friend, Simon shouted.
"Wait!" I shouted back, adjusting her earring.
"Ughhhhh..." He groaned. "You take too longggg! You've been in that room for 10 years!" He complained.
"Alright, alright.." She chuckled. "I'm coming, you can quit your whining." She said rolling her eyes, stepping out of her room and into the living room with to show Simon how she looked.
She stepped forward.
"So? What you think?" She smiled.
He sat on the couch, in awe, his jaw dropping.
Beautiful... Like an angel. He thought.
"Great!" Was all that came out.
"Let's go then!" She smiled, walking towards the door, cracking it open.
"Finally." He smiled, rolling his eyes.

They walked to their friend Lisa's apartment, which was 2 floors up.

They walked to the elevator, hearing the clicking of Y/N's shoes. Simon stole a couple of glances at her, thinking Y/N wasn't looking. She knew he was, she could see it at the corner of her eye, Simon looking down at her, a smile finding its way on his face.

As they walked their hands touched, their skin touching each other's for a half a second.
Was he trying to hold my hand? She though, without looking up at him. She knew she had feelings for him, for a long time she'd felt it. But you how it goes, she doesn't tell him because she doesn't wanna ruin their friendship. I mean, she wanted to hold his hand, more than anything in the world. She wished she could reach out and hold his hand. But she didn't.

They were silent the whole walk to the elevator.

Then they got in the elevator, still not saying a word.
Simon pressed the button and the elevator started moving.

But he kept shaking, as if he wanted to talk to her about something.

Then he spoke.
"Listen, Y/N I have to tell you something, I--"
He got cut off.

The elevator stopped, shaking both of them, Y/N being pushed towards Simon.
"What the hell?" They said at the same time, also walking back, giving some space.
"Damn. The elevator must've stopped." He slammed his hand into the wall.

They spent the next few minutes waiting for help, both of them on the floor, their heads against the wall.
"Great. We're spending our New Year stuck in an elevator." Y/N said
At least I'm spending it with him.
At least I'm spending it with her.

Then Y/N's phone buzzed.
It was Lisa.

"Who is it?" Simon looked at her phone.
"Lisa." She sighed.
"Oh no." He rolled his hand back to the other direction

"Hey." She answered the phone, putting it on speaker.
A loud burst of music and screaming erupted.
"Where are you guys? You should have been here 20 minutes ago." Lisa screamed over the phone, over all the music.
"Well... We're kinda stuck in the elevator." Y/N replied.
"You're stuck? Aww, that sucks. I'll leave my phone on along with the camera in this corner so it will feel like you're with us until help gets there."
"Ok, thanks, Lisa." She said.
"I hope you get out soon."

Y/N left the phone on the floor, in between her and Simon.

"Of all the times... Why now?" Simon said.
"How long does it take to get here?"

* * *
"Simon?" Y/N turned her head towards Simon.
"Yeah?" He faced her.
"What did you want to tell me a while ago?"
He looked away, as if embarrassed.
"It's nothing." He said.
"Come on, tell me." She smiled, nudging him.
"It's nothing." He repeated, shaking his head.
"What? Is it about a girl?" She joked, still smiling.
She chuckled.
"Well... Actually... It is." He said, slightly dropping his head.
Y/N tried her best to keep her smile, she felt heart broken.
He likes another girl? Well... What did I expect? For him to confess his love for me?
"Really?" She leaned forward, forcing Simon to look at her.
He could tell how she felt, he could see right through her.
There was a pause.

She really didn't want to ask, but she did.
"What's she like?" She asked, she regretted asking it.
How could you stand to hear the person you fell in love with talk about another woman?

He grinned. Like he really wanted to tell her exactly how she was, as if he waited for her to ask it.
"Her smile lights up a whole room up." He smiled. "Her beautiful hair sways back and forth. She's gorgeous. Her laugh is adorable. The way she walks, she does it with complete grace..."
Y/N forced herself to listen. Her heart ached when he told her how beautiful that girl was. She hoped that one day, a guy would think of her like that.
"Her eyes... Man... Don't get me started on her eyes... I could stare into them for hours and not want to leave... They mesmerize me..." He chuckled. "She hypnotizes me when I look at her... Sometimes I find myself out of breath, staring at her. I always look at her, stealing glances. It's impossible not to..."
He paused.
"She always thinks of her flaws, she hates a lot of things about her... But I think everything about her is just completely perfect." He stopped smiling.

"5!" The people shouted

"How I wish I could be with her... But I can't". He frowned, looking at her.

It hurt her to see him this way. Sad.

"Why don't you try showing her you feel that way?" She told him smiling a bit.


"I'm scared."

He's never been scared. Simon was always brave and daring. But when it comes down to telling a girl how he felt... He was paralyzed at thought of it.


"Try it." She put her hand on his shoulder.


"Maybe I should..." He looked at her, smiling.
"Good." She gave him a smiled.


And once they shouted number one, Simon leaned in, pressing his lips on hers. He kissed her. She kissed him back.

"Happy New Year!!!" She heard from the phone.

They pulled back, their foreheads pressed against each other.
"It was me..." Y/N smiled.
He placed his hand on her cheek, caressing her.
"Always been you... Even from the start. No one could be more beautiful than the woman I'm looking at now." He said before connecting their lips once again.

* * *

They walked towards Lisa.
She smiled, turned around and if it was possible, smiled even wider, her eyes widening.
"Oh my god! What's happening right now?" She screamed.
"I'm starting the new year off with my new girlfriend." Simon said.

They were holding hands, smiled etched on their faces, leaning on each other.



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