Coming and Going

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"Come on, Y/N! Let's go!" Simon shouted.

We were going outside. It was snowing.

"Wait. I got put on my boots!" I shouted back.

I put on my boots and saw Simon waiting at the door.

"Let's go." I smiled and held his hand.

The boys were already ahead of us, running and laughing.

And of course JJ fell.

Several times.

"Oh shit!" He slipped again.
"Oh come on!" He screamed

We were laughing.

"Really? Fine. You wanna see what it feels like? Come here!" He chased after Vikk.

Soon Vikk slipped himself.

"Ha! That's what you get, Bitch!" JJ pointed at Vikk who was now laughing on the ground.

We walked to the park.
"Hey, Simon?"
"I love you."
"I love you too." He kissed my forehead.

"I have an idea." I told him
"Watch." I picked up snow and made a snowball.

I threw it at Josh.
"And he-- what the fuck?"

I looked at the sky whistling trying not to smile but I couldn't help it.

"Come here!" He ran towards me

He chased me and soon got a hold of me.

He swung me over his shoulder.

"I'm telling mom!" He joked.
I laughed.

Simon came towards us.

"Okay, Josh. Can I have her back now?"
"Okay." He made me face him.
"Yay..." I cheered like a little kid and reaches out for him.
"Just kidding!" Josh swung me back around.
"You want her come get her." Before he ran of he threw a snowball at Simon's face.

He placed me down and made a fort.

Simon made one as well.
"Surrender!" Simon shouted
"Never!" Josh shouted back.
"Come on lads join in!" Simon called the rest of the boys.

Vikk, JJ, Harry joined Simon.

Tobi and Ethan joined Josh.

They started throwing for a few minutes until Simon gave up.

"You know what? Fuck this." they stood up and ran to Josh's base.

"Come on guys! Rescue the princess!" He shouted.

They all surronded me while Joshs team kept pushing them back.

Simon got me.
"I got her! I got her! Now. Retreat!" He carried me bridal style and ran.

"No!" Josh screamed.

"Since this is over might as well do this." JJ charged at the fort.

He failed. It didn't break. Hr just slammed into it.

"Oww." He lay on the ground as the rest of us laughed.

and for the rest of vacation, we went to the arcade, had a party and met up with our friends again, games related with snow, and Simon and I walking in the park.

"I'll miss you guys." I hugged all of them.
"Visit again soon." Josh squeezed me
I said all my goodbyes and Simon drove me to the airport.

He walked me to the terminal.
"Bye babe." I hugged him
"Bye, Y/N." He hugged me tighter.
He kissed me.
"I'll miss you so much." He looked at me.
"Ill miss you just as much." I smiled.

He hugged me one last time and let me go.

Guess its back to Australia.

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