Blood and Bruises

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"B-Brian, what are you doing here? I thought you were in prison."I quickly hid my phone.
"I broke out... Oh yeah, I almost forgot something... YOU BROKE YOUR PROMISE!" He shouted
He started stepping closer and I started stepping back.
"I-I--" I stuttered, scared
"You put me in prison! Remember what I told you if you told anyone?"
I sat down.
I gulped.
"I'd kill you." He put the gun right in the middle of my forehead and cocked the gun.
"But before I do that, where are the sidemen? Where's Simon?" He said standing up
"No!" I shouted
"DON'T YOU DARE MOVE!!!" He shouted pointing the gun at me.
"Now, is anyone home?" He asked
"You're a bastard Brian, you know that?!" I shouted
"IS ANYONE HOME?!!!" He put the gun on the middle of my forehead.
"I'll be the judge of that." He walked to the door.
"If you move an inch, you're really gonna get it." He said before leaving the room
I quickly got out my phone and quickly texted Simon
'Babe, Brian's at the house! Quick call the police! He's got me at gun point!' I hid my phone before Brian came back
"Looks like you didn't lie." He came back

Simon's POV
"Water. Get some water." I told Vikk
I felt a buzz.
I checked my phone.
'Babe, Brian's at the house! Quick call the police! He's got me at gun point!'

I got scared.
"No. Guys! Y/N's in trouble! Let's go!"
"What?" Josh asked
"Let's go!" We ran outside leaving our cart.

"Simon! What's going on?!" Josh asked
"She's being held at gun point!"
I got in the car, and so did the rest of them
"By who?!"
"I'm calling the police." JJ said pulling out his phone.

He better not touch her.

Sabrina's POV
"Where are they?!" He slapped me
"I DONT KNOW!!!" I shouted back

I was sat down with a pool of blood under me, bruises covering my body, and cuts.

He stood up.
"I'm getting tired of asking this." He stood up.

He took his gun and aimed at me.

He cocked the gun.
"Where are they?"

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