I'm here.

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I turned around to see something I never expected to be there....

"Hey, Baby..." He smiled

"Simon!!!!!" I ran towards him, and jumped on him bringing us both to the ground.

I was the happiest person in the world.

"I missed you too..." He hugged me.
I sat up.
"I thought you said you couldnt make it..."
"I lied." He grinned
"How about the storm?"
"There never was one."
I smiled.
"Surprise..." He did jazz hands and laughed.

"I love you..." I pulled his shirt towards me, kissing him.

"You actually tricked me. I was so sad when you said you weren't able to come."
"I really missed you, I wouldn't miss out on seeing you again."

I stood up and helped him up.

"Now let's go, the boys are waiting..." He put his hand around me.

I stopped him.

"Wait. Before we go, I need to get this out my system"

I pulled him towards me and kissed him. We stood there for a few minutes.

I pulled back.
"So... Is there anything else you want to do before we meet up with the boys?" He grinned.
I chuckled "let's go." I linked arms with him and we walked back.
"The boys wanted to swim at the pool, they told me to bring you there. Got your bathing suit?"

Simon led me to the pool.
"Huh. They told me they'd be here." He took of his shirt getting ready to swim.

"I WONDER WHERE THEY ARE. " He sounded louder and sarcastic.

The next thing I knew I was picked up.

"Simon, What are you doing?!?!" He ran closer to the pool.

I heard laughing, I saw it.

It was the rest of the boys. All of them with smiles on their faces and Josh holding the camera.

"No! Simon, let me down!!! Simon!!!" I pounded on his back.

He threw me in the pool.
The boys were right next to him.
"Heyyyyyyy sis!!!" Josh said
"Hiiiiiii" the rest of the boys said.
I slowly shook my head.
"You guys are dicks."
"Nice to see you too." Harry laughed.
I pointed my finger at them.
"I'll get you guys back. Just as soon as I get out here probably an hour because this feels nice I will unleash hell."
They laughed.
"Simon, the least you can do is help me up." I said extending my arm.
"Okay, Loser" he joked.
He took my hand.

I pulled him.
"Oh what the f-" he crashed in the water.
He got back up and hugged me, I put my forehead on his.
"Hey, Loser" I joked and smiled.
"Shut up, and kiss me." He grinned and kissed me.

Starting Over v.2// a miniminter FFWhere stories live. Discover now