I can't.

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Vikk's POV

For over the past few weeks, Simon's been cooped up in his room doing absolutely nothing.

He's really depressed that Y/N has to stay in Australia for another 7 months, we are too, but Simon doesn't even get out his room for anything.

So we went to Nandos to buy him some food.

I walked up to his room.

I knocked "Simon. We went to Nandos and we got you something."

"uugghhhh....." He groaned.

"Okay, that's it." i walked in his room.

I saw bottles of beer everywhere, scattered clothes, wrappers, and him lying on the bed facing the ceiling.

"duuuude..." I walked to his monitor

There were fans wondering when he'll post the next video, wondering if he was dead, they were begging for another video.

He hasn't posted for weeks.

"Let me fix this." I sat down.

I tweeted as him.

"Hey guys! It's Vikk. I'm sorry that Simon's lack of videos. Don't worry he isn't dead.It's just that Y/N has to stay in Australia longer and he's been depressed. He hasn't left his room in a few weeks, let alone leave his bed. I hope you guys understand. We're trying our best to get him up."

I walked towards him.

"They all think I'm dead." he said

"I told them what's happening.'


"You okay dude?"


"You want some water?"




"Wanna play some Fifa?"


"Then what do you want?" I gave up.

He turned and buried his face in his pillow.

"All I want is herrrr..." He groaned.

Poor guy.

"We miss her too, mate... But you have to get up and do something."

"But I don't feel like it" He said high pitched

I sat next to him. I patted his back.

"Come on, mate... You're birthday's in a few days, cheer up!"

"Great. I cant be with my girlfriend and I'm one step closer to death."


Your POV

Oh my god. I can't do this.

I stared out the window.

"Come on, Y/N..." Nicki shook me

"You haven't worked on your project for weeks..."

"But I don't want toooooo...." I lay my head down on my arms.

She rubbed my back.

"I miss himmmmmmm...."

"aww... Hey, maybe if you work hard enough the boss might be let you visit."

"But I don't want to be there and keep coming back here, I want to go back there, and stay there."

She tapped my shoulder.

"Hey, Vikk's calling...." She said before she handed me my phone and left the room.

I answered.

"Heyyyyyy Vikkkkkk..." I said weakly

"Hey, Y/N. Are you okay? are you drunk?"


"Are you ill?"

"No... I hate this...."

"I know... so does Simon."

"What do you mean?"

"He hasn't left his room for weeks..."

I sat up.

"...He's been drinking beer again, and the fans are wondering if he's dead because he hasn't been uploading."

"Poor Simon..."

"Yeah, well I offered him a drink, water, Fifa, and he said no..."

I frowned.

"...He said all he wanted....was you..."

I can't take this anymore.

"I haven't worked on my project at all, because of him..."

I sat back.

"I miss you guys..." I smiled

"We miss you too..."


I made a Vikkstar fanfic.

Feel free to check it out. :D

I'm also entering the Wattys contest!

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