Caught, The Packmen and Friends

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It was 9 am in the morning and the boys were back and Simon and Y/N were still in bed...

Vikk's POV

I got home and the two lovebirds weren't out yet, wonder what they've been doing. I got ready with the recording of our facetime yesterday. Then my phone was about 10% left, and I realized I forgot to get my charger back from Jerome. Ugh, really? Well I guess I have to ask Y/N if I could borrow hers. I headed to her room and knocked. "Y/N? You awake? Hello? .... Listen, I need to borrow your charger my phone's already at 9% " I asked her from the other side of her door. No response... I tried again... Nothing. I slowly opened the door to find no one there. Her bed was fixed and everything, as if she was never there. Confused, I went to Simon's room to ask him where she is. I knocked on the door. "Simon?"...No reply "Do you know where Y/N is, I need to borrow her charger... I left mine with Jerome...Dude, what happened last night?" I got tired of waiting so I let myself in.

Then I came in to see Simon and Y/N cuddling. I smiled "Oh Sh-" I got to get the other lads, well except Josh, he would get upset. I covered my mouth. Woah, woah... Wait did they- Just have- but they have their clothes on- how- wha- Yeah I don't want to know... I closed their door quietly and silently ran down stairs to see Harry pasted out on the coach and the rest of the boys except for Josh at the counter. "Hey guys, wheres Josh?" I asked. "He's in his room asleep, why?" Tobi said. "You guys got to see this" I told them as I motioned them towards the door and quickly walked, I looked behind me and no one was coming. I walked back to them "Come on guys, are you coming or what?" I asked. There were nah's, no's, nope's, and not really's . "What if I told you it was about Simon and Y/N" I looked at them and grinned knowing that they wouldn't be able to resist checking it out. They all had wide eyed and big smiles and immediately stood up and followed me "let's go!" Tobi said. "Okay, lets see what happened last night" JJ laughed. I woke Harry up "Dude, look at this..." I told him. He groaned and faces the other way "Later..." . Okay... We went up stairs and I warned them to be quiet and I slowly opened the door. They all were smiling and covering there mouths and quietly screaming and shouting. Then we all stood still JJ got his phone at on Camera "Well, this will come in handy someday...Black mail!" He sang as we quietly laughed and took our cameras out and took a picture. Harry then came in, "What is it now Vikk" he shouted "Oh my g-" I quickly covered his mouth with my hand and shushed him "shhh!!!" The rest of them shushed. I could make out Harry mumbling "Okay, okay jeez... Oh my god" he pointed wide eyed at the two still cuddling. I put my hand down as Harry took a photo. We all exited and I reminded "DON'T TELL JOSH" I made it clear that he shouldn't know. We were at the living room waiting for them.

Your POV

I woke up in Simons arms and smiled. I looked at the clock, Shit! Its 9 am, the boys are gonna be here any minute. I woke Simon up "Simon, Simon wake up... They boys will be here any minute" I woke him. "What?! 9 already-crap!" We both got up and fixed ourselves and changed out my pajamas. We both ran down stairs hoping the boys weren't there yet. I was on my phone on the way down when something startled me. "Hey Y/N! How was your night?" Vikk asked with a big smile. Shit! Too late, they're already here... "Vikk! You scared me!" I almost dropped my phone and jumped back. "Great, buddy how was it hanging it out with the pack again?" I hugged Vikk. "Great, great what happened last night, did you guys actually go on a date?" He asked still smiling "Yeah, but why are so happy and keep smiling. What happened?" I asked. "Well, when we got home and found you..." I already see her with a nervous face and shocked face covering her mouth."and Simon in the same bed" . She pulled me aside "Do the others know?" I asked worriedly. "Yep" he smiled. I covered my mouth "even Josh?" I felt like dying. "Nah, I made sure he never knew all this happened" he told me. I hugged him, feeling relieved. I hugged him "Thankyou your a life saver... At the same time I hate you and your a prick" i told him as he laughed.Thank god he didn't see. I went back to the living room with all the boys grinning at me. JJ chanted and smiled as the others smiled "Simon and Y/N just had se-" . "Woah Woah Woah, no we didn't we just slept in the same bed okay, that's why we had clothes on" I defended myself. "Okay... " JJ laughed and put his hands up. Then Simon came in "Oh sh- Hey guys!" Simon shouted. "Hey Simon so what happened last night?" Vikk asked smilling. "Oh shut up, Vikk." I chuckled. I looked at Simon and gently smiled "They came in early and they found out" I told him. "Shit, Josh is gonna kill me. Where is he?" He said as he put his hands on his head and pulled his hair. "No no, I made sure Josh didn't see" Vikk told Simon. He put his hands down on the edge of the coach "Oh thank god" he let out a deep breath and sat down next to Vikk. "But seriously did you guys actually go on a date?" He asked. Simon nodded his head "Yes" I replied. "So where did you guys go?" Harry asked. "To the movies..." Simon replied, "...and the arcade" I added. "Oh, so that's why I saw the pictures of both of you there" Ethan said. "An arcade, not what I'd think a girl would want to go for a date... Wow, Simon she's a keeper." JJ chuckled as I smiled and looked at Simon. "Was the arcade fun" Tobi asked. "Yeah, actually it was" I replied. "How about let's eat breakfast, wake Josh up, and go to the arcade." We all agreed and went into Josh's room quietly with whipped cream in our hands. The classic sidemen alarm clock. We all surrounded him and Harry counted "1...2...3" all hit Josh at the same time and he obviously woke up. "Wake up! Let's eat breakfast and go to the arcade!" Vikk shouted at him. "Why do you guys do this to me? Like really? Are you kidding me?" He shouted.

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