Why do you still love me?

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Vikk's POV
Man, this week has been... A disaster.

Y/N and Simon got together, next thing you know they break up and now they wont even get out there rooms! Or even eat! For fuck's sake!

This is just ridiculous...

They have been spending the past 2 weeks in there! And Y/N has one week before she goes to Australia...

... So, we've planned to throw her a goodbye party on her last day...

*Few days later*
We were now setting up the party...
"What's all this for?" A voice said.
I looked back... Oh thank god! Simon got out his room.
"Simon! You came out your room!" I smiled

Simon's POV
"Yeah, I know... Boy it was difficult... Now what all this?" I replied.
"Oh this is for Y/N... Tomorrows her last day..."
Oh god, just hearing that makes me ache...

"I know this can be kinda awkward... But... You think you could come?"
I couldn't. It would hurt me too much...
"Uhh, Sorry... I- I have something pl-planned " I lied.
"Oh, no its fine..."
Boy, this got awkward real quick...
"So why are you all dressed up?" He asked
"Oh, I'm going to the bar..."
"Oh not again, Simon... You've been drinking too much!"
"Whatever..." I walked to the door
"You better not die!" He told me
"I know! I'm not planning to!" I chuckled

Well... She's gone... I can't do anything anymore...

Your POV
"Come on! I have something I want to show you" Josh grabbed my hand and pulled me to the door
"What is it?" I smiled.
I got inside to see nothing but darkness.

Then the lights came on.

I instantly covered my mouth.

It was all my friends with a goodbye poster and a cake... I love them so much...

But now is the time I have to tell them...

Vikk's POV
I was on the phone with Simon.
"So your at the bar right now?"
"Yup, got in before traffic started"
I heard the door open. Shes here!
"Just a second..."

We all shouted surprise and made Y/N smile...

... Then the smile faded

"Guys.. Before anything goes on... I have to tell you something" she said
"Vikk, leave me on the phone..." Simon said as I did what he told me to do.
And at that point she told us her secret... She told us all the missing details, the ones she never mentioned to me...

She was practically poor, YouTube helped her... She was almost evicted, and Soon got into alcohol and drugs to help her drain her sorrow...

Some of us started to cry...

I could see Josh tearing up, he never knew this happened to his little sister...

"And when I was on the phone last week... I was referring to Brian when I said I didn't love him... But Simon took it the other way..."

And she finished...

"So, thats it... I'm just gonna stand out of your way" she stepped aside and put her hand to the door and let her head down

"You guys, could leave now...." she started crying...

Josh walked towards her and hugged her... Then I did, then Zoe, then Ashley...
Everyone got up and walked towards her and hugged her.

"Why are you guys doing this?" She sobbed.
"No matter what your past is... We still love you for who you are..." Zoe said
"I love you guys..."
"We love you too..." Josh said

Simon's POV
I can't believe it... That was it? That's the secret? She didn't need to keep that a secret, we would have loved her just the same.... That Brian guy just had to come waltzing in here!

...Thats it!

... I'm getting her back

I immediately left the bar but got caught in major traffic...

11:45 pm
Finally 1 mile from the house!
I looked at my watch... Dammit! I missed the party!

Once I reached the house I immediately look for her...
"Where is she?" I busted in as i saw the guys cleaning up
"Simon, its still 11:45 I thought you were still at the bar. oo said you'd be back at 1"
"Forget that! Where's Y/N?"
"She went to the park"
I got in my car and drove to the park and I saw her near the lake...

...there she is.

I got out. And walked towards her.
"Simon what are you doing here?"

I can't love Simon anymore...
The same thing happened with all my past relationships, they all broke up with me, took me back and broke my heart even more.

"Y/N... I'm sorry... I-i want us to be together again"
"No..." I shook my head
"What your said really hurt me... And I can't let what happened back there happen again"
"Y/N, please" he held my hands
"I can't ..." I cried
"Y/N... I need you"
I needed him too... But I can't
"No, Simon you don't!"
"Yes I do! Please! I can't work without you!"
We fought and soon we bought fell to the floor
"I can't eat or sleep! Y/N! I'm sorry!" He tried hugging me... I tried escaping but he wouldn't let go...

... I managed to get out the hug but he held on to my hands...

"I still love you!" A tear fell from his eyes
I cried "Why?! Why do you still love me?! After all I've done!"

"You make me happier than anyone in this world, your different than the others! ... We were made for each other" I looked him in the eye every word he said.

"I love you..."
I kissed him.
Something I needed. Without him I feel empty... He completes me.
"I love you too..."

I hugged him.
"Ive missed you.."
"I've missed you too..."

Then we went home and slept as soon as we got back

Vikk's POV
Where are they?! They were supposed to be here 2 hours ago!
"That's it! I'm looking." Josh said as we ran to the car

An hour later we came back and found nothing we went to the arcade, the park, the bar, everywhere!

"I can't believe this..." Josh said stressed out

We walked into the living room to find a surprise...

... It was Y/N and Simon cuddling

"Oh my god..." I said
"Oh thank god..." Josh said relieved
"Looks like they made up..." Tobi said
"Yep" JJ said nodding his head as slowly took his phone out and took a picture we followed as well.
"Let's just leave them..." JJ said as we quietly left
We put the picture on Twitter with captions like ' looks like you guys made up'
'together once again'
'came back home to find this...'
'Finally '
'Awww' .

Were glad the fighting stopped... Theyre back together now...

Josh and Vikk: its great seeing my sister happy again...

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