Keep Me Away

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I was inside crying, while the girls were comforting me, patting my back. Josh was pacing back and forth with rage.

"When I get my hands on him I'l-"
"Josh... Its not his fault"
"Yes, it i-"
"No. No, Josh don't do anything... Promise me" knowing deep down, I still loved Simon.
"But he-"
"Promise me."
"*sigh* fine"

I continued crying while the memories kept flashing back. My phone kept buzzing with messages from Brian but I ignored it.

Simon's POV
"Give me another one..." I told the bartender.
"Ya sure? This is your 13th one."
"Yeah... I need this"
"The only type of people who drink this much are guys with break ups"
I heard the slam of my glass on the counter.
"Yeah, well she played with my feelings... Hah, I actually thought she loved me."
"What happened?"
"Well, we fought, I got in my car and drove here..."
"Did you even let her talk, or explain?"
"What is there for her to explain? I heard her say it loud and clear. She said that I was stupid to think she still loved me..."
"How do you know she wasn't talking about anyone else?"
"My friends are good guys, I'm pretty sure they wouldn't do that... But who else could she be talking about?"
"Look, son... Girls have their secrets. You need to let her talk, and explain. If she really loved you it would show"

I spent the rest of the night talking with, Ryan... That's his name. And drinking thousands of shots. I came her to escape her, to stop thinking of her...

...But I keep thinking of her. Our kisses and her sweet words coming to mind.

Your POV
He just keeps texting and texting, he started to piss me off.

Then he texted again.
"That's it!!!" I stood up filled with rage and stomped to the entrance.

Josh chased after me
"Y/N! Wait! Where are you going?"
"I just need to do something Josh, stay here. I'll be back"
He stopped.

I went outside,
"Hello?" I talked to the police and reported his harassment. They tracked him down and were now arresting that asshole.

I went back inside.
I said goodbye to every and thanked them for comforting me. I turned to Josh,
"Let's go home."
And with that we left.

We got in the house. I stopped them before we entered.
"Please guys, just keep him away from me..."
They nodded and promised.
I told them on the way here to be nice, to not be mad at him.
We headed inside looking to see if Simon was here... He wasn't and it was 4 in the morning.

I cried myself to sleep.

Simon's POV
A girl dressed like a stripper approached me.
"Hey, sweetie... Wanna come with me?" She placed her hand on my shoulder and started rubbing my arm.
"No, I'm good."
"Come on, honey..." She started getting closer.
I moved away.
"No. I said no"
"Come here..." She tried to kiss me
"No! Get away from me!" I moved even farther away.
"Claire..." Ryan looked at her
She gave us a nasty look and left.
"What happened, son? This was your chance..."
"I just...

...can't believe after all that happened... I

... I-I still...

Love her..."
I looked at Ryan.
"Well, that's what most the of the guys like you want when they get here... I guess, your different"
I drank another shot.
"Well i apologize for Claire... When she wants something, oof she goes for it- and I mean GOES for it. There was this one time she climbed on a guys back and wouldn't let go... But since I'm the owner she has to let go whenever I say so."
I laughed as he told me that story... I never thought I would be able to laugh, let alone smile after what she did to me.

In the morning...

Your POV
He still wasnt home yet. I started to worry. Was he injured? Is he okay? What happened?

Then I hear the door open. All the boys rush to the entrance.
They started talking. I went closer and listened. It smelled strongly like alcohol... He's been drinking...

"Just keep me away from her." I heard Simon
"You mean keep her away from you"
"No, I don't want to hurt her or myself anymore."

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