Hidden Feelings

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The boys were busy with other projects for the past few weeks, so recording with them had to wait. That didnt stop them from making stuff like this fun. I mean they made going to IKEA fun, how is that ever fun? Anyways, which gave me time to adjust to the time in London...

The next day was just me and the dudes filming videos. I played GTAV with them for like 4 hours and did a few challenges, and filmed Q&A's with each of them. After filming all I could think to myself was this was gonna be a weird and hilarious videos. I watched all of the videos once they were uploaded.

And when I watched the video I did with Simon, there was this one bit where he told me to cover my ears and I was dying to know what he was asked and what he said. I was at that part. "Do you think she's pretty? You like her?" was the question. "Cover your ears..." He told me. "Why?" I asked "J-just cover em' please?" He replied. "Okay... Its your Q&A" I said and covered my ears. Since I sat on his right, he covered the right side of his face and mouthed. There were subtitles that said "Yes, she's gorgeous... Do I like her?" He grinned then nodded. I blushed and covered my mouth. Oh my gosh! He liked me back! Eeee! I have to tell him I like him! I kept watching that part over and over, until Josh barges in, I quickly close my laptop and face him. "What are you watching?" He asked me. "N-nothing nothing..." I put myself in an awkward position "So w-what do you need?" I asked nervously. Josh smiled "Are you watching po-" . "No! I'm not watching porn! You idiot, I'm not that kind of girl" I defended myself. He chuckled "I know I know, I'm just kidding...I was gonna ask if you want to play call of duty with us tomorrow?". " Yeah yeah sure..." I quickly replied. He was about to leave when he turned back "Oh yeah, did you see your Q&A with Simon" . "Not yet..." I lied. "Well, there was a part where he said he liked you, just imagine if you guys were dating, I wouldn't let anyone touch you" . I chuckled "Come on, big bro... I'm not a little girl anymore, don't treat me like one, I'm older and responsible-er". He smiled and hugged me " Your probably right, i should probably dial it down a bit,I just dont want you to get hurt, sis. I'm here for you... Now get back to whatever you were watching"
Before he left he sang "Simon and--"
"No, stop."
" You l-"
"Josh, stop" I chuckled.
He left. Then opened the door "You like him." He said quickly and left.
he let go and left. Great! Now I can't tell Simon... Josh will freak. I mean he cant be really serious about dialing it down a bit, i know josh he's really overprotective and jokes I buried my face in my hands and let out a big breath. I wish I could tell Simon... But Josh wouldnt like that... I feel so...ugh... Disappointed.

My stomach growled, its still 7 pm might as well get a snack. I closed my laptop and went down stairs... Ethan, Harry and JJ were playing some video games in the living room and Josh and Tobi were playing a game of ping pong in the other room. I went into the kitchen and Simon was there " Hey, Si!" I smiled, "Oh hey, Sabrina!". I headed to the fridge to get an apple. "Oh yeah I watched the Q&A I did with you..." I was looking for an apple. "Really? So how you like it?" He looked at me and smiled. "I've seen the part 'Cover your ears'" I found an apple and looked back at him "You really think I'm gorgeous? You like me?" I chuckled, walked by him and nuzzled his hair and hugged him from behind. He chuckled "Yeah, so the fans seem to really like it, so wanna do another one tomorrow?" He looked at me, aww, he was blushing. "Yeah, sure" I nodded. "Aww, your blushing... Your so adorable..." I smiled at him. I chuckled and left "See ya tomorrow, Si". "You too" He replied. I bit my apple and headed upstairs.

Woah woah woah, what did i just do? Did I ju- Oh god! Did I just-? Did he just admit that he liked me? What was going on?

I couldn't stop smiling.

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