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Simon's POV

Somehow the boys got me up.

I started cheering up. I mean this week was my birthday (ahem, ahem September 7, ladies.)

They've brought me out to the arcade. And I've done a few football videos.

The fans are happy I'm back.

The boys eventually brought me to a bar.

And well. we got drunk. very drunk.

Once we got home, we were stumbling all over the place. It was hilarious, thank god we filmed it.

"hey hey, I-I bet yyyou I can do a bbbackflippp..." JJ tried to keep himself from falling

"I-I dare yyouuu..." Josh pointed at him and took a sip from the beer bottle.

"HEy guys, I think I lost my thumbbbbb...." Tobi looked at his hand.

I burped. "Shit. I think I ate it." Then we laughed like idiots.

"Hey hey hey, watch me dddoo ba the back flip."

"Eh." He threw himself back and landed on his butt.

We laughed.

"tadaaaaa..." he waved his hands.

"Oh my god. You guys had way too much to drink." Vikk said covering his face.

"Waattthhh upppp...." Ethan shoved his face in the camera.

I got a soccer ball.

"hey hey guys. watch me kick ttthis balllll...."

I tried to kick it, but missed, and fell down.

"Did I hit it?"

"You missed, fuck boy." Josh laughed.

I stood up and looked at Ethan and Harry

"What the hell are you guys doinggg?"

I saw Harry and Ethan dancing like morons.

"What? can't you hear the music?" Ethan said before falling.

"haha, Ethan's dead. hahaha" Harry laughed.

"I am? Well shit." Ethan looked at himself.

It was so funny I had to put it on Youtube. It was ridiculous.

Few days later...

Today was my birthday! It was noon. We were planning nothing big for my birthday. Just go to a bar or something.

So I was streaming.

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