Dreams and Reality

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The next day it was stormy so we just stayed in and filmed even more videos... Again. I played GTAV with all of them which is at least enough for 4 episodes, COD with Ethan, Josh, and Vikk, I tried playing fifa15 with Vikk while the others watched, Q&A's with them again, and minecraft with Vikk and the rest of the Pack, and can I say they're really nice and funny. Now time to film with Simon.

I sat in Simon room using my phone, joking around with him as he edited the video.About an hour later Simon finished it and uploaded it, it was really surprising at how many people were watching it the second it was uploaded... They really like the idea of me and Simon being a thing. At the start of the video Simon put all the questions that said "are you guys dating?" And you can't believe how many people asked that. Then there was a quick clip where we said no at the same time. And there was a part where Simon showed me a scary video, and I'm sensitive to those kind of videos and I sure as hell told him that. Then a scary picture flashed on screen and I jumped and got closer to Simon. He put his hand over my shoulder, and hugged me. I almost cried "Simon!" I hit his chest "oow!" He chuckled, " I told you I don't like those videos " I held on to him. "I'm sorry" he chuckled and he hugged me even tighter and rubbed my back. I scrolled down to the comments that said 'aww, you guys are so cute!' ' you guys should be together' And rest of them were comments that were trying to push us together and comments with our shipname. Simon was watching TV when I showed him this " Dude, look at the comments on your new video..." He walked over to me and read them. " Wow, they really want us to be a thing, don't they? What if we actually were? How crazy would they go?" He smiled at me. I chuckled and looked at the ground. I saw the time "Oh, its time for me to go to bed, good night Simon". "Good night" he came over and gave me a hug which lasted longer than a normal buddy hug should last. We slowly drew back and were really close to each other. He placed his hand on my cheek and slowly leaned in, he kissed me...wait, HE KISSED ME! Oh my gosh! He kissed me! Yes! I dropped my phone.He then quickly drew back."I'm sorry, I don't know what I was thinking, I-" I pulled him towards me and I kissed him this time and drew back. "Stop talking" I muttered and continued kissing him. It took me about five minutes to realize I had to go to sleep. I drew back " I have to sleep now, Si" "Good night then" he gave me a quick kiss. "Good night" I finally left and went to sleep

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