Unexpected pt.2

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Sorry for not publishing guys, didn't really have the time.

I'll try my best to post some time later.

Anyways, enjoy!!! :D
Simon's POV
So Y/N and I have been streaming for a few minutes....

She packed me some good players, I could sit here all day with her, but it was time to go.

She opened the last pack.
"Okay guys! That's the last pack, I hope you guys enjoyed. The boys, Y/N and I are going out for my birthday. I'm turning 23! Twenty fucking three... God I'm old."
"No you're not ..." Y/N chuckled and hugged me.
"Anyways... Thanks for watching..."
I looked at Y/N.
"You wanna?"
"Yeah." She smiled.

"See ya!" We both did the peace signs and ended the stream.

She stood up and held my hand.
"Come on, birthday boy, the boys are waiting..."
"Hold on..." I put my coat on and put my arm around her and went downstairs.

JJ kindly let me use his lambo for today.
"Thanks, man."
"No problem." He smiled
"Just please be careful, don't hurt her." He patted the hood of his car.
"Ill be careful." I chuckled.
"Just dont- please dont- be caref--"
"JJ, I got it. Ill be careful." I chuckled.
"See you later, baby." He kissed his hand and patted his car.
He walked away.
"I'm watching you." He pointed at me after turning around.

"Come on let's go." I opened Y/N's door.
She got in.
I was about to get in when Josh stopped me.
"Dude, before we go can we stop at some restaurant?- i dont know i forgot its name, we forgot something there."
"Okay, thanks. Ill tell the others. Just follow me"
I got in the car.
I looked at Y/N
"What's that about?" She asked.
"We have to stop at some restaurant, Josh forgot something."
"What restaurant?"
"I dont know, he forgot its name."
She smiled.
"Happy birthday, Simon."
She kissed my cheek.
"Thank you, now how about another one here" I joke and pointed at my lips.
She smiled, leaned over and kissed me.
I held her hand and smiled "Thank you."
"Now lets go." I followed Josh's car.

*few minutes later*
We arrived at the restaurant.
The rest of the boy got out while Y/N and I stayed in the car.

After a few minutes Y/N got a phone call.
"Hello? Yeah, yeah... Ok were coming." She hung up.
"What happened?"
"Josh needs help carrying the stuff."
"Okay. Let's go then."
We both got out, a waiter pointed us to the room the boys were in.
As we were walking Y/N held my hand, I looked down at her and saw her smile. I returned the smile, she leant her head on me as we walked.
"Here it is." I opened the door.

It was pitch black.
"What the hell?"

Suddenly the lights went on.

I saw all my friends coming towards me.

"Holy shit." I chuckled as I hugged all of them.

"I love you guys. Thanks so much."
"Well, you have Y/N to thank, on her last visit she set this up." Josh said.
I looked at her innocently smiling at me while hugging my arm.
"I love you." Before giving her a quick peck on the cheek.
"Now how about one here?" She pointed at her lips, as the other went 'ooooh' .
"Just like me." I said before kissing her.

"I love you too." She smiled.

"Now let's party!!!!" She screamed as loud music started playing and everyone started dancing.

"Thank you so much." I hugged her.
"Anything for you babe." She smiled

Oh boy, just wait til' its her birthday. You don't know how EPIC its going to be, I've been planning for months.

The whole night we danced, talked, it was fun.

I got to open my presents later. Now let's see if its gonna fit in the lambo.

"Okay!" I stood up on a chair.
"I just want to thank all of you for coming! Its been a blast! Thank you all for the greetings and presents! So for the last dance of the night, let's have a slow dance!"
I heard them cheer as the DJ put a song on.
"Grab a partner everyone!"
Jim took Tanya, Alfie took Zoe, Harry took Katie, Tobi took his girlfriend, Josh took Freya, Marcus took Naomi, Vikk took my little sister, Star... And so on.

I smiled and turned around to see Y/N smiling.

"May I have this dance?" I reached my hand out.
"Yes, you may." She held my hand and we made it to the dance floor.

Everyone seemed happy.
"I had fun today..." I smiled at her.
"Really? So have I."
"Yeah, I mean its my birthday, i got presents, I'm hanging out with my friends, they threw me a surprise party..."
She looked at me with her twinkling eyes.

"...and I'm here with you." I smiled.
She chuckled and looked down.
"I'm glad I can make you happy."
"You always have."

The song lasted for a while, it was still going.
We were still looking in each other eyes.
"Your eyes are twinkling."
She smiled.
"You look very charming, Mr. minter..."
"You look beautiful..."

"How did I ever end up with a guy like you?" She smiled.
"A guy like me? How did end up with a girl like you? I must be lucky."
I hugged her and kept dancing.
"Do you love me?" She asked.
"Of course, I do. Always have, and always will..."
"And you know I love you too."
I kissed her forehead.
"Yes, I do."

She stood back and looked me in the eye.
"I love you."
"I love you too."
And with that I kissed her.

We ended the night, said our goodbye's and thank you's.

And we drove home.

Y/N and I got in bed and cuddled.

"Happy Birthday..." She whispered.
I kissed her forehead.
"Thank you."
I pulled her closer.

And we both fell asleep.

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